Plain Sebenza Blade Shape

Jun 10, 2000
Is it just me or have the plain Sebenza blades been looking like the classic blades for a while now? My small regular blade looks just like the classic blade to me, and quite honestly, I went with the plain mostly because I liked the blade shape much better. I much prefer more of a drop point to a clip point blade I guess - both for aesthetics and for real world use. I actually thought about specifying that I would prefer as much of a drop point, midpoint tip blade shape as possible when ordering, but in the end I guess I thought my plain would look like the plains on the site so I didn't worry much about it. FWIW, I first learned about the Sebenza from Doug Ritter's site and I always thought that the blade shape on his plain Sebenza was just awesome.

Anyway, I thought that maybe this issue had been addressed before, but I tried a search and also went back thread by thread to last year, and could not find anything.

I know that every blade is slightly different, but I truly think this trend is very noticeable and consistent over the last year or so. Even on the CRK site the classic and plain have distinctly different blade styles. For those of you looking for a good comparison, look at the plain and classic next to each other on the CRK site, then take a look at the pic of alphamaniv's new plain Sebenza. To me alphamaniv's blade is a fair representation of what the plain blades look like now, and I think it looks fairly identical to the classic Sebenza blade shape.

So, what do you all think? Does the plain blade look like the classic almost clip point blade a lot more now than say a year or more ago? If so, does this kind of bother you or is it all the same? What are the general thoughts on this? Does anyone know why this happened? Did the change to S30V have possibly have anything to do with it? Has anyone decided on the plain based on blade shaped and been disappointed (if that is possible with a new Sebenza :)) with the blade shape?

I hope this post doesn't sound like I am disappointed in my knife because that is not the case, I was honestly just a little disappointed in the shape of my small plain, and I wonder if others have felt the same way.

Thanks for listening,:)

alphamaniv's blade has a swedge gound on the spine. The small Sebenza has always been a little pointier than it's larger brother, as well.

That being said, I do think the large standard has gotten a little pointier as well, but I have to have a newer model next to an older one to tell the difference. Just a little bit, though. I date the change from when Scott Cook left the company, and believe it is the result of simply having a different set of hands grinding the blades.

Chris's blade grinds are thinner than the ones Scott did, I guess I'll check who's doing them now just to keep up.
I recently received a large regular with a flat ground blade. Compaired to my large classic(with S30V), the blades are definitly different. The small classic and regular blades are pretty close, but the classic still is a little longer and narrower. I have both as well and am looking at them side by side.

When it comes to blade profile between the smalls, they are close, which kind of gives you the chance to decide which handle style is more to your liking. If you add a swedge to the blade(which I only do to my large regulars), it will make a world of difference in the small Sebenza's.:)