Planning to Buy New Knife Microtech or MOD?

Jan 15, 2003
1,690 a big refund from the gas company and i am planning to spend it all on knives...
I've bought a BM721, Cold Steel LTC Kukri and have already ordered from new graham a BM770(as EDC 'cos it's under 3 inches), BM 556 (hard use knife) and a Leek( for the wife, so at least she won't complain). Also bought some sharpening and knife care products.

Got some left and i wanted to get your opinions on a good quality folder. Thought of getting a Microtech or an MOD. But i don't really know anything about their knives. Which are the good models?
I am on a big Mircotech kick lately, so of course I would recomend a nice model from them. Take your pick, they are all great. LCC D/A, Socom Elite, UDT, Amphibian, Etc, Etc....
I don't think you could go wrong with either...both MT and MOD make high quality knives...among MT, my favourites (in order) are the LCC (all of the LCC's that I have examined appeared to approach custom knife levels) LUDT, and SOCOM...I found the Amphibian to be a bit too blade heavy for my liking...

As for MOD...well, the CQD is my EDC and one of my favourite knives...the symmetrical shape makes the knife comfortable in any grip (and the "grip" is enhanced by the Wing Walk),the side-hilts do a good job of preventing your hand from sliding forward, the plunge lock is very strong, especially with the secondary lock engaged (plus you can flick the knife open AND closed :) ), the secondary blade is very handy etc. etc.

The owners of both companys used to be partners, so there are alot of "family similarities". Both make top quality products, but I'd tend to give the edge to MT in terms of overall QC. If you can find a Socom Elite, I'd grab it, but the manual models are not currently in production. I happen to like the Amphibian, also. The LCC is also a winner and I think it may still be in prodution.

For MOD, I'd go with the Tempest--a Michael Janich design.

You really can't go wrong--two real quality companys.:cool:
Id go with Microtech over MOD, MOD's look like fantasy knives with better steels and the QC is lacking. Microtechs will be a better all around knife IMO.
I agree, I'd go with Microtech even though I don't like the way they do their business.
You can't go wrong with either MT or MOD. My absolute favorite is the MOD CQD, I carry it every day. I agree with RL on the advantages, plus you can choose from 2 sizes and some other variations. It may look like a fantasy knife but it's really well constructed.
I can't compair the 2 because I have never owned a MOD but I can tell you that the Microtech SOCOM M/A that I bought is one of best built folders that I have ever handled. Very solid feel, good ergonomics, and best of all a very sharp blade right out of the box. Just my .02, hope this helps.
Having owned several of both brand knives, i would have to say that MT is a step above MOD, MOD makes a very good knife, but MT makes a better knife, i have seen too many MOD's with QC issues, and its VERY rare i have seen a MT with one. Still waiting though to see a Sebenza with a flaw. :)
Originally posted by Corona
It may look like a fantasy knife but it's really well constructed.

Yes, this is a case of "form follows function" the case of the CQD, the symmetrical shape makes the knife comfortable in reverse-grip blade in, reverse-grip blade out, saber grip, hammer grip, Filipino grip and probably any other grip you can think of...also, since the blade is almost completely enclosed by the handle, you can comfortably use it as an impact weapon (e.g. the back of the blade of my custom Wortac digs into my hand a bit)...and you can sharpen the false edge (as in the military model)...yet, there is enough of the blade exposed to use it for "Gunting--like" strikes...just a great design!
