Plastic Knuckles

Nov 9, 1999
A little off topic but...

I've noticed a lot of people selling plastic "Brass colored" knuckles on e-bay and elsewhere. The only reason I can imagine for wanting plastic knuckles is if they were not be plagued with the same legal problems as the metal variety. Does anyone know for sure what kind of, if any, laws pertain to plastic knuckles?
I guess they would be lighter too and allow the carrier to defeat metal detectors. Being lighter would make them easier to carry.
I agree, probably to get through metal detectors.

Personally I would treat these like the "brass" ones if I were to find someone carrying them. I wouldn't think the material they were made of would make them any more legal.
OK, I checked the Virginia laws and "metal knuckles" are specified. So technically plastic knuckles probably aren't illegal here. Maybe that's why e-Bay allows them to be sold but not metal ones. Of course when caught with plastic knuckles they would probably be classified as some other type of illegal impact weapon and you'd be in trouble anyway.
Originally posted by Disco Stu
Of course when caught with plastic knuckles they would probably be classified as some other type of illegal impact weapon and you'd be in trouble anyway.

Exactly. It may be a wy around the law, but it could still make for a lot of hassle.