Police and Endura

Jan 4, 2003
I just noticed that these two knives are very similar. Size, shape, steel. What makes the Police cost twice the amount of the Endura? I haven't carried either, just was wondering.
Twice the price? I looked over at 1SKS, and the SS Police is going for about $88, and the SS Endura is selling for about $53. That's a $35 difference, where if it was twice the price, the Police model would have to be about $106, rather than $88...(If I did my math correctly.).

But I DO see your point...Since these two knives ARE so much alike, IS the "extra" 3/8th of an inch of blade of the Police really worth $35 more than the Endura...(IS that 3/8th of an inch of steel REALLY worth $35?).
Well, depends on where you buy your knives from. Are the structure of the frame and handle the same between the Endura and Police? I know the Endura has no liners and police is one side liner. Is it that much stronger?
Hi Musky Hunter. I am assuming that you are comparing the Stainless handled Police model to the Stainless handled Endura?

If so, The stainless Police has a very large (over 4") VG-10 blade. A premium state of the art "exotic" steel.

The stainless Endura has a sub 4" blade made from AUS-6. a good tough, reliable stainless, but will not provide the toughness, corrosion resistance, edge retention and sharpness of the more exotic steel.

VG-10 is not only more expensive to purchase (raw materials) than AUS-6, but it is far more costly to form the steel into a knife blade. The more abrasive resistant VG-10 is more difficult and therefor more expensive to cut, grind, polish drill, sharpen, etc.

The construction of the Police model is actually stronger, though not visible, the materials and labor are of a higher level.

The Police model is a premium piece designed and built for that absolute reliability that a Law Enforncement Professional would appreciate. It's built like his firearm.

The Endura SS is a more affordable stainless model for those that wanted a good stainless model without the higher cost of the Police model.

hope that helps.

I've carried an LtWt Endura for 10 years now. I just picked up a Police last year. I should have had gotten one sooner. Big difference in the two knives. Why I never had a Police before I don't know. I shouldn't have waited so long. :) I recommend both.

Sal's comments are very illuminating.
My question is: how the SS Police compares with G-10 Police when the strength of the lock is concerned.

My guess is that G-10 Police has the lock as reliable as the one in SS version, but the SS lock is stronger (as Sal said in his reply to some discusion, the SS lock is always stronger than the FRN lock, of course, for the same type of knife).

To be precise: is the SS lock SIGNIFICANTLY stronger?
