The 2024 Traditional Knife is ready to order! See this thread for details: Price is $300 ea, one per household please.
I don't think you will get too many replies because there are roughly only about 20 or so Stupid Sharp Knives out there. But here is mine just for kicks!
Here's mine, an INFI Kiridashi that Ban made from the handle tang of an SS4 (currently for sale, btw, a great blade and design but I've decided to go back to carrying a folder):
Here's mine. I'm almost afraid to use it. If I cut my self with this thing, I'll probably lose a finger or two.
The slicer from hell! I can shave with this baby,,,
Here's my Busse NMFBM that Ban totally reprofiled and added a sharpened clip too. Most beautiful blade I've ever seen. Pics by Ban.