Post your Becker knives pics here

can you say polish? ... seems lots of elbow grease (or maybe buffing wheels) went into that post of shiney goodness!
elbow grease
Buffing wheel:)
honestly nope :thumbsup:
Lots and lots and lots :eek: of elbow grease . Did I say LOTS Yep :thumbsup: oh yea Lots ;) funny if I had realized how long it would take to remove a few thousandths of metal I never would have started. Once you start sanding you have to finish or your knife will look pretty messed up :D my advice now don't start unless your willing to be at it a long time :thumbsup:
Alright, did you get another 21? :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Nope, Tanker has that 21 now. That's just an old recycled pic, I thought it looked great!

Which do u like better?

Different blades for different tasks. I'm partial to larger blades, but I use my 9 more. I'll pick up another 21 soon, strip, sandblast and patina it soon!
Nope, Tanker has that 21 now. That's just an old recycled pic, I thought it looked great!

I have a few big blades because that's what I use. I like both the 9 & 21, but I found a deal on the exchange for a beater 9 with g10 from Amsterdam and I'm still waiting the month it takes for international delivery. The long wait is building the anticipation a bit. My first Becker is on it's way!

Different blades for different tasks. I'm partial to larger blades, but I use my 9 more. I'll pick up another 21 soon, strip, sandblast and patina it soon!

Different blades for different tasks. I'm partial to larger blades, but I use my 9 more. I'll pick up another 21 soon, strip, sandblast and patina it soon![/QUOTE]
Helping my oldest son re-zero his .270. He tripped and fell and it landed on the dust cap. Hopefully it held.

The BK7 is with us for emotional support.

Yes... It has no more use on it from my last pic....:)

*as I eyeball some brush close by, and giving a few practice swings...*
