post your ugly mugs here...

Daniel Koster
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 18, 2001
do as the title says...

post a pic of yourself here and we'll try to hold back on the comments...:eek: :D :( :confused: :footinmou :p

people have told me "hey, you're a big guy" but I don't see myself that way. Just 6' tall and 250 lbs. I'm no beast. I thought I was just average. :confused: ;)
I can't post pics. I look a lot like Pendentive. A couple inches taller (6',3"), same build (around 275 on a lean day), a goatee (full beard in fall and winter). My hair is curly and down past my shoulders though.
I wish I could post pix:( ! Two problems: 1) need to get a gold membership, and 2) Need a digital camera ( Funny, the queen of the castle mentioned needing to get one last night--could this be a sign?)

I sent Uncle a pic a while back he could post, If he could find it and felt inspired.

That being said: I'm 6'1" ,255 with a 50" chest and 38" waist. My knuckles are normally red from dragging on the ground:eek: HEE-HEE!
Thankfully, I've been told I carry my weight well, but I need to be vigilant to keep it that way. Like pen, I don't really consider myself a big guy, and only get that feeling when standing with a group of "Average sized" folks. I've got dark brown hair (Thinning, much to my wife's chagrin) and a fairly thick Goatee.

I hope those who can post pix do. I like to put faces with names. It'll be neat to see if people look like I imagined they would.

Thanks for the thread, Pen!

Me. 5'11", 175 lbs.


Bill (with the flower necklace)

wow...almost forgot about this one.

How about this for a mugshot?
I was trying to die with a heart attack when those pix were taken but as with most of my endeavors I couldn't get the job done.

That's exactly what I imagined you to look like, Pen. :D Though I figured you for a Boboli man. :rolleyes: :);)

edited for esl grammar
Here's a profile shot ;)

The dwarf is my grandpa :), he always told me when he was 20 he was 6 and a half feet tall, somehow he shrunk to about 5'5" :p .


Thanks for posting my pic Uncle, I may look like a ghost but the picture was taken by my beloved !! (not too good with the camera - shhh)

5'11' 85 kilos (no idea what that is in pounds)

Nice to see the forumites, ArchAngel - you look possesed with that Siru matey !! I would crap myself if I saw you in a dark alley. (No offence !! )
Here's one from my wedding a while back, my best man Austin on the left. We're preparing to defend ourselves from the bride's relatives.

I'm 6' 2", 280lbs and falling. I don't see myself as a big guy. In fact I often think other guys are taller until I get right next to them and able to compare directly.
I have been quite busy lately as the SPKS 2002 is getting closer so i am not posting much but thought you could not miss this one, taken at the end of the Brasília Knife Show in July...


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