• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

    Traditional Knife Information Thread - make sure you go in there and read up.

    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

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Practice What You Preach II

Feb 23, 2000
What can I say, February is also most gone! Last year a few of us had some fun playing in the woods. In fact it was enough fun that we will be doing it again this year.
Dates: April 25,26,27th 2003
Location: Scenic McDowell Co. NC
We have approx. 1200 acres of playground with all the hills and dales you could desire. A pond full of fish and woods full of critters. As last year, we will have knives, axes, etc.etc. to test and evaluate. Add your's to the list! It is always a good time to test your gear and be able to rate everyone else's. You are welcome to try primitive camping , bring a motor home or anything in between (if you bring that motor home we reserve the right to talk about you behind your back). By the way, they say those little lights can be seen a mile away. Can they? Can your's? So gentlemen, here is your chance to play Boy Scout again and convince your wife it will save you money by not buying useless gear. (She is welcomed too)
If you want more details or are interested in going just give me an email. Also, if there is something you can think of to make the weekend more fun, let me know.
Hmmm "we will have knives, axes, etc.etc. to test and evaluate", do you supply them? What happens if one gets missing "accidently"?:D :p
So this is gonna be a mass campout?
I like this... Guy-Scout Jamboree...
One thing though... NO drinking AND guns... one or the other... should be a rule. I'd hate to have to wear body armor to go camping...LOL
Again, you pick a weekend I'll be out of state! I think you must not want me to go:(

Well, get with me sometime a month or so before you go, and we'll send some new knives down for you guys to play with again. We will have BK10's by then,a nd you didn't have a BK9 last year, so we will send one of them. Maybe we will have something else around new.....
Now Will, you're just going to have to cut down on your travels! We'll get together before that weekend. Everyone enjoyed playing with the Beckers last year and we're curious about how those new ones will work out. Last year, as you read, in price to function aspect, the Beckers were true winner.
Thanks for the offer of supplying play toys for us.
Since this is going to be a hectic week, I better post this today.
Here is the last call for those that plan to attend. I'll be up there early Friday morning waiting to have fun.
Location directions:
"The Hoffman Empire(my little spot on the earth)
10 miles South of Marion, NC and 10 miles North of Rutherfordton, NC on Hwy. 221.
Coming from the South you will cross the McDowell Co. line and go about 2.8 miles and turn left onto a dirt road (Pink surveyors tape will be put out). After .3 miles turn left and cross the creek. Follow signs.
Coming from the North you will drive South on Hwy.221. After you cross I-40, you will drive 6.1 miles and turn right onto a dirt road (same pink tape), go .3 miles and turn left and follow the signs.
Coming in on I-40 you will exit at Hwy. 221 (NOT 226) and turn South and follow directions above."
I will be able to answer any emails between know and Wednesday night. Hopefully I'll see you soon.
Are you going to post the reviews of the knives you test? I cannot wait to see what the reviews on the BK10 and what ever else will sends out "new"

Most of the results, along with the photo's I take, are going to be used for an upcoming article. Of course the others attending are free to post their observations and any photo's they wish. The gathering is mainly an exchange of ideas between those attending. At the same time we have the chance to try out serveral products from various sources. The nice part about the tersting is that there is no obligation to be "nice" to anyone. I for one will state what I liked about each and what I didn't.
Of course the best part is being able to be in the woods with people of like mind.