Thanks guys, IG you were a BIG help with the parts list and such, made life a lot easier.
I do plan on putting a shroud over the motor and suction line, along with screwing hose clips to the frame to make the plumbing a little neater. Sometime aloung the way it'll get a paint job also. Once I get the motor mounted I'll have to wire it and put a decent 220v switch on also.
I don't think I'll have a problem with the lower suport, it's 4"x1" flat bar horizontal welded into the uprites which are 4x1" flat bar which are welded to the 1/4" x 4" tubing. For re enforcement under the horizontal 1" plate is a 6"x1" verticle plate welded into 1" uprites and gusseted with 1/2" flat bars. All stress welds are three stringer 7018 welds. I won't know for sure till I get the 3 horse motor mounted, it came in today and I may wire it tomorrow before I head back to the rig. I'll watch it closely and if it looks like there's a week spot anywhere I've still got some 1/2" and 1" plate, I'll gusset the crap out of it!