I have the Blue Runt with the black blade. I bought it about two years ago, and it has held up remarkably well. The fit and finish were on par with the best. The coating on the blade is great. It snaps like a whip, and fits about anywhere. I carry mine in the little watch pocket of my jeans. I think the blade is a little thick for its length, but it sure holds an edge with that ATS-34 steel. It is quite a short blade (1 7/8") so is not ideal for slicing anything, (I have sliced quite a few apples, though) but works great for cleaning nails, opening boxes, and other light duty stuff. It's definitely a "cute" knife with the girls, except when it jumps, and all the guys love it too. If you get one, keep a close eye on it. It isn't that hard to lose. I added a tritium firing button, which added a little more gadget-factor to it.
Overall, I love it, and would not give it up easily.
Daniel D.