Production Wharnecliffes

May 5, 2000
Who makes them? I like the Tom Anderson models, but they're out of my league.

I'm referring to totally flat-edged ones--not modified like the Spyderco Centofante (a nice knife in its own way).
I've got the Kershaw miniTask. Great little knife- Ken Onion's Speedsafe, ATS-34 blade, G-10 scales. Mine is the lefty model.:)
That's right. I forgot that the Mini Task doesn't have the curve you see in the Random Task. Anything else?
if you are into small and inexpensive fixed blades crkt makes the neck peck which has not only thumb grooves on the top of the blade near the handle but also near the tip....i keep one in my explorer and use it all the time as a quick fix when opening up stuff....the aus6 steel takes an edge easily but it also loses that edge rapidly...its also cheap enough that if stolen or lost you arent out a large amount of money...i just wish spyderco would make one as we have discussed.....feverdoc
Boker's messer Klotzli line contains several warncliffe models. They're a little pricy, though I've never handled one to know if they were worth it or not.

CRKT also made Wharncliff blades in the Mirage series. AUS-6 steel in the Zytel handle model 6732/6742, but they upgraded to AUS-8 in the Grey Ghost model 7832/7842.

Kershaw came out with the Double Cross a few months ago. Traditional style pocket knife with a Clip blade on one end and a Wharncliff on the other. Both blades are liner lock.
There's the William Henry Evolution wharncliffe. S-07 is the model number if I recall correctly. Nice looking knife, although I dont have one... VG-10 steel too... (gotta love that)

If you can live with another "modified" Wharncliffe, you should try the Benchmade Park Avenue (450). Although IMO it is really more of a modified spear point, it is a great little cutter. I have a Boker KLM3 (true Wharncliffe) as well and I prefer the tiniest bit of belly to "soften" the end of a cut such as the BM 450 has.