Professional recommendations

Jan 5, 2007
I'm a knife newby and would like to get some quick knife recommendations from any of the willing experienced users on this forum. Here is what I am looking for in a knife:
-on a budget (I don't want to pay for a name if its not necessary)
-very durable (also, I'll probably be buying it used)
-a folding knife
-very sharp/good for puncturing/stabbing
-also good for cutting rope etc (so I'll probably need one of those straight/serrated combos"
-from the minimal amount of research I've done so far, I have found the Benchmade AFCK to be the closest to what I'm looking for.

Thanks for your replies.
Why not go wit ha byrd knife? It will fit definately fit your budget. (20-40$)
I don't know what your time frame is, but if you are patient you can find some nice deals on a good, used axis lock Benchmade; I have picked up several great BM users in the 50-$75 range. I don't own one, but the spyderco byrd line gets a lot of mention. My money would be on a used axis lock BM.
Look into the Byrd Cara Cara. It comes in 3 scale options, G10, Steel and FRN. You can order one online for under 30$ including shipping. Their tip comes nice and sharp and punctures well, but has enough steel behind it to be strong. It's a very robust knife overall. It comes in combo edge as well.
I'm a knife newby and would like to get some quick knife recommendations from any of the willing experienced users on this forum. Here is what I am looking for in a knife:
-on a budget (I don't want to pay for a name if its not necessary)
-very durable (also, I'll probably be buying it used)
-a folding knife
-very sharp/good for puncturing/stabbing
-also good for cutting rope etc (so I'll probably need one of those straight/serrated combos"
-from the minimal amount of research I've done so far, I have found the Benchmade AFCK to be the closest to what I'm looking for.

Thanks for your replies.
Try a Buck 110 Very inexpensive,(NOT cheap) and meets your stated requirements. About $27 from Wally-world.
Thanks for your recommendations. I'm looking for a black spyderco cara cara thats a serrated/straight combo. Where do you recommend I buy this?
Well, technically it's a Byrd (it doesn't matter, but it'll make finding it on the website easier). I recommend . Byrd knives are also cheap enough to be found at reasonable prices in brick and mortar stores, maybe for the price of shipping higher than online.

My personal recommendation would be a Spyderco D`allara drop point. I find it to be a very well designed knife, very tough for its price, and just doesn't suffer any noticeable weak areas. It IS a pretty big knife, when closed, but if you were okay with the AFCK, it should be fine.
You cant beat the Spyderco Delica or Endura , the Salt series aint too shabby .
