proper use of pocket stones... Newbie help


Oct 31, 2005
I have ordered a kit that includes a Arkansas pocket stone, some polish, and some tuf glide. Not too sure on the proper way of using it. I know as a newb I should stick with the sharpmaker; But, how do I properly use this travelling knife kit properly? I say this because I would really like to know what technique I should use for a benchmade 707. What hand do I hold the knife with if I'm right handed? etc. etc.

Thanks for all the help.
Alrighty, the way I do it, is to hold the hone with my left hand between my thumb and index finger the long way and to place a few drops of oil on the stone. Take knife and pretend to slice a layer off the stone away from me and then towards me. Repeat til its sharp. And remember to lift the handle lightly while making the slice as this allows the belly to be sharpened
it might be a good idea to put something on the ends of the stone to protect your fingers. You can get small rubber tubing at just about any hardware store. Cut a slit in it and then put it on the ends of the stone.
It isn't that hard to sharpen with such a small stone. I've done tons of work with a 1"x3" Norton, restoring abused chisels and touching up my EDCs. It takes more time, but how many people will carry a proper 8" stone?
Pulling the edge the other direction will work also, and if you slip you probably won't cut yourself. Just remember to let the stone do the work. Don't press too hard. Maintain your angle consistently.
Well, your fingers should be below the sharpening surface, so it shouldn't be a concern and you shouldn't be applying that much pressure to begin with