this your box?

Mar 20, 2001
It was on it's way South and West when it was intersepted in the INFI Vacuum tube trap door....

Please help me find it's owner as the Address label was missing:(
Pro-Oinker, If you could just Identify the contents for me, I could get these to you tomorrow
No response huh.....

OK, I'll post a picture and maybe someone will recognize them and get these poor little guys on the way home...
Looks like someones folder got sucked up too
Strabs, I was zeroing in on that too!!! I went to post a reply then decided I'd better copy that pic first before it gets edited out! :eek: :eek: :eek: but i got it just in case:rolleyes: :p :rolleyes:
Hmmm no kidding. It's a perfect match to the folder pic that Jerry posted the other night. *legal disclaimer(from what I can remember because as Jerry asked no one on that evening saved a copy of the picture.)
Which brings us to 3 questions....

1) How does someone have one of the mythical folders that doesn't exist.

2) How many unthinkable acts (which require listerine afterwards) did that person have to perform to get the folder.

3) How many other folders are out there that supposedly are not out there.

4) Where the hell are everyone else's folders...

* 4 was a bonus question from the "ask 3 get one question free" coupon.
Originally posted by Dark Nemesis
Hmmm no kidding. It's a perfect match to the folder pic that Jerry posted the other night. *legal disclaimer(from what I can remember because as Jerry asked no one on that evening saved a copy of the picture.)

Who saved a copy of that pic??? Not me, thats for sure!;) :p

Nice erm, folder Chuck...looks sort of like a..........
Hey, wait a minute :mad:

That folder isn´t made out of micarta is it?

I only got mine with dark green G10 :confused: :(

On the other hand I got the XL and it´s obvious that you got a "mini". :p :cool: BTW does your have the false edge sharpened?

I´ll have to get a digicam soon. ;)

Chuck! You have really done it now! Jerry didn't want the contents of that package, my package, becoming public knowledge. Don't blame me if he bans you to the outer edges of INFIdom!
Fold the package..?
What are you talking about?

I'll try to get a "better" picture of the box for you.
Damn Bladeforums, looks like the server lost your pic. No worries Chuck if you need a copy I diligently saved it for you ;) :D

...just for such technical malfunctions