Jan 16, 2003
Does the Emerson PSARK have the chisel ground edge on it like the other knives? If it does is it any harder to sharpen it with the blade curve? Any information would be appreciated. Thanks
All Emerson edges are chisel ground, meaning only sharpened on one side. Some of their knives have a primary chisel grind which the entire side of the blade is flat, which I believe the PSARK fits this profile. Their other knives have a conventional v grind which means both sides of the blade is ground, but still only one side of the actual edge is sharpened. As far as difficulty sharpening, they are more difficult, because the edge angle is pretty steep on that one side, which makes it hard to use a Sharpmaker or some other fixed-angle sharpener. Best way I've found is to color the edge with a black Sharpie marker, and use a sharpening rod to freehand it.

I have the P-Sark and what Medic1210 said about the edge is true. I sharpen my free hand as the inside arc of the blade does make it hard, if not impossible to use a flat stone or the Sharpmaker. I have used the two sided Diafold and the DMT sharpener that looks like an icepick with some luck. The Diafold is a little over an inch wide and it seems to work. I hold the knive in my left hand, being right handed with the point toward me and lightly stroke the edge trying to hold the angle that the blade was cut at. Then just turn the knife over and take a light stroke on the flat side to remove the burr holding the sharpener almost flat but not scratching the flat side of the blade.

Stropping on the back of a tablet also helps.

Hope this helps you some.