Pulled the trigger!!!!!!!!!!!

May 28, 2000
Placed my order for the CG-FBM yesterday!! Cant take it any more!!! And what finally snapped me? The Strider test thread. Thanks anythingsharp!!

Any Busse employees here? I need to clarify a few things on my order.
Placed my order for the CG-FBM yesterday!! Cant take it any more!!! And what finally snapped me? The Strider test thread. Thanks anythingsharp!!

Any Busse employees here? I need to clarify a few things on my order.

Watch out man! There's loads of Busse employees here... and Strider employees... And as soon as they hear you talk about "planed test" they will attack you and offer you free knives!:D
Watch out man! There's loads of Busse employees here... and Strider employees... And as soon as they hear you talk about "planed test" they will attack you and offer you free knives!:D


If you have question, call them.....you will hear a sweet angel voice, then you know you have made a right choice.

No need to clearify anything. Any from Busse, its all good. Even that means you recieved a USPS package with a Johnny W. Blue cap. Even means they have sent you a blade that isn't the combo you are asking for. (They don't do that, but seriously if they really did, I have yet found a color combo that isn't pretty.)

I am not here trying to put down other company's knives or say other companies are less good. I just want to say Busse is good. They are that good. Holding it feels good. Turning into a Hog, hell yeah good :thumbup:

BTW, welcome to Busse and your first perchase. Soon you will not remember how much you paid for your Busse cuz.....

Damn, It sure feels GOOD!
you will pat your self on the back 4x, once when you get it, again when its pulled from the store, again when you use her, and again when the prices soar...
Its my location thats the problem. I am having the FBM sent to my favourite blade pimp, Roger of www.knifeworks.com . Busse may decline my order on the ground that the credit card addy and delivery to addy is different. Just wanted them to call Roger to verify that I'm a legit buyer.

Now the wait begins..................................
That's a mighty fine blade you've ordered. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Well, its been 2 weeks and still no news? Did the order get thru?

My order no is 242850

Thank you guys.
Well, its been 2 weeks and still no news? Did the order get thru?
My order no is 242850
Thank you guys.

Haha Yep, Two weeks! :p
Your best bet is to call the shop. They'll provide you with your order status. Some of the nicest people you'll ever talk to. :thumbup:
But don't panic, most of us have had our FBMLE on order for almost five months, and they're just shipping now! :eek: I can't wait!!

the number for the shop - 419.923.6471
Thanks for all the info fellow honkers, its my 1st infi so.......

FBMLE on order for 5 months you say, almost like waiting for a baby ......

Take care!