Purchase Choice: BG-42 or S-30V

On a limited wood I would take the BG-42 anyday. The BG-42 blade will have a much nicer finish in the polished hollow grind. S30V doesn't polish worth a #@*!
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Chris chose to change from BG-42 to S30V and that is good enough for me. So my vote is for S30V. ;)
My vote is for BG-42 I've used it for the last 3 to 4 years and I'm sold on it, But I have to admit S30V does hold it's own when it come to edge retention and toughness. I’d love to test out a fixed blade with S3V and see how well it holds up in terms of toughness, I’ve herd some good reports on S3V.
but there's still no answer to the original question, which is essential to many of us prospective buyers... we've seen a vote on preferences, but little reasoned consideration of the pro and cons... for me, perhaps naively, the much higher Rockwell grade is decidedly more attractive, so while I admit that S30V may be the better steel, I wonder why the old BG-42 model shouldn't be superior if one has that feature at heart... collecting-wise, I wouldn't be interested in an outdated model, but what delights me in a blade is the hardness/sharpness more than the toughness (if you need toughness, you need a fb, in my view) , so in spite of being outdated, and ditched by Chris, the BG42 sounds better to me...
or is that a misconception? any reasoned analyses to that out there?
I have knives in both steels and have never had a problem with corrision with either, which is supposed to better for corrision?
S30V is supposed to be more corrosion resistant than BG-42. I think investment wise, go BG-42. The supply of BG-42 will dwindle and those that value it may have to pay a premium to get a private party to part with a knife that can't be replaced. In my experience, both steels are very good and I would hardly refer to a BG-42 Sebenza as "outdated". I prefer as a using knife the S30V because it is a bit easier sharpen and it is a steel that was made solely for the knife industry. I also read somewhere that Reeve helped CPM develope S30V. ;) :eek:
Mike Taylor said:
On a limited wood I would take the BG-42 anyday. The BG-42 blade will have a much nicer finish in the polished hollow grind. S30V doesn't polish worth a #@*!

I think Mike has it. Both good steels, but BG-42 does polishes up better. If your going to buy a Seb, buy what you think you'll like. You'll never go wrong. They all have great resale value.