Question about Jungle Honey's...

Phillip Patton

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Jul 25, 2005
Awhile back I made one, and posted pictures of it somewhere (can't find it now) and someone suggested putting sting ray skin under the cord wrap. I thought it was not a bad idea, but I've been searching for all the pics I can find of jungle honey/cloud cutter/dragonfly's, and I can't find any that seem to have anything but cord wrap on them.

I've never seen any in person except my own, and the pictures don't show the handles up close, so I don't know exactly how people usually do the grip. Can anyone help me here?

Thanks in advance,
The reason I'm asking is that I'm getting another one close to finished, and I need to make a decision about how to do it.

I don't think I posted the one I already made here in the Custom forum, so here's a few pictures of it:



I think That the ray skin under the wrap would be great Phil. It looks like a decently long knife. A little extra girth in the handle would be a good thing:thumbup:
That was me that made the suggestion. I don't know if it has been done by the others that make this design. It was just something I thought would look good.

Here is a link to the original thread.

I was pretty sure it was you, Keith, I just didn't want to say so without knowing where you said it. :) Thanks for posting that thread. I'd forgotten I'd posted it in Shoptalk...

I ordered some rayskin from someone on ebay, so I think I'll be giving it a try on the next one that I make.
I think most people suggest it because of the japanese style wrap put on most of them, that rayskin underneath would just be very fitting :D.