Question about Satin Jack

Jun 30, 2001
I am currently trying to save up enough money for a Satin Jack combat grade. How much longer will the Satin Jack be offered? Is the SJ 1/4" or 3/16"? Are there any other changes?

It just isn't easy saving money being a government employee!!!:D

Darkjedi - May the Force be with you always.
I'm sure the SJ will be around for awhile. Jerry always gave plenty
of warning before retiring a knife.
The new SJ's are 3/16th.
I'm with Chip, Jerry usually gives plenty of notice before discontinuing any models.

BTW, it might take you a while to save up the $$ but it is well worth it. :D:D
Ditto the above. Did you hear about the Nimrod Special Edition Satin Jack?:rolleyes:
If you're looking to get a 1/4" model check some of the "for sale" boards. They occasionally pop up now and then:)
Thanks fellow Busse Fans!! I think the 3/16" model will be what I need. Is it really a better slicer? Is it any weaker and can I still do some prying with it, or should I still use my basic5 for prying?

What is the Nimrod Special Edition Satin Jack??

Sorry about all the questions. I can never get enough information be for I make a purchase.

Darkjedi - May the Force be with you always.
Well I did it today.

I ordered a Nimrod Special Edition Satin Jack, but the person taking my order did not know what I was talking about. So I ordered a CG Satin Jack.:D :D :D :D :D :D

Now the best and worst thing is ahead. I know my Satin Jack was in stock and is being shipped Monday.

If you can hear my me OH BTOJ may the force be with you, and if you get any speeding tickets I will pay for them.

Darkjedi - May the force be with you.
BTW, is the 3/16" SJ full flat ground to the spine, or is there a flat between the top of the primary grind and the spine?

Thanks in advance for the info.
Will, my two Satin Jacks are both flat ground, but both have an area toward the spine that is not ground. I wish they were flat ground all the way to the spine, but they are not. I believe I will grind one up to the spine myself and make it a real slicer/dicer.
Originally posted by Danbo
... both have an area toward the spine that is not ground.
Danbo--Thanks for that info.

Is there a distinct top "ridge" to the primary grind, below the spine, or does the plunge grind just fade out? I assume we're talking about the 3/16" version?

Thanks again,
Looks like the only photos on the Busse site are of the old 1/4" models. Anybody have a 3/16" SJ and a digital camera? How 'bout a pic?

I have a pic of a 3/16" Satin Finished SJ, I was getting ready to post and realized my Gold membership expired.

I'll try to get it up to my website tomorrow so I can link it.

Sorry Will, Can you wait another day? ;):D
Here's the pic of the Satin SJ in 3/16" (sorry the entire blade is satin but the pic didn't turn out very well :()

I hope this helps getting a better idea of the grind. :D:D

Great knife and I really like the SnakeSkin Micarta. :D
Originally posted by Bravado
Nice SJ Eric! Is that a variant?

Well, I don't consider it a variant. It is just a regular 3/16" SJ with a Satin finish and the SS micarta.