Question for the gun knuts on the forum.......

Aug 27, 2002
I know you're out there, so please try to answer this question. When you see a gun with "jeweled" parts, that is, triggers and hammers, bolt faces, etc. what is the tool that is used to produce this effect? Dremel tool, or what? And if Dremel, what specific grinding attachment would be used?
I suppose you could jewel the parts with a dremel if you have nerves of steel and muscles to match. Typically this is done with a drill press and an abrasive drum for lack of a better word. The abrasive is applied to the part in a precise pattern, with the circle part ( front of drum ) contacting the part, rather than the side. You need something that will provide a rigid frame so the abrasive "cuts" a circle shape rather than skidding off in one direction. Hope that makes some sense -- Charles
That's also called "engine turning", I think. Not something that you could do with hand tools but any good machine shop should be able to handle small parts as you described. I'd guess that it's strickly cosmetic but it does hide fingerprints and would tend to "hold oil" better on surfaces that would otherwise be polished.