Question of lrv if I may?

Jul 28, 2005
G'Day Larry, I looked at your excellent Scrimshaw site to ascertain when my SC504 may have been produced.You have handwritten that the SC504 is not part of the Great Outdoors Series and its the equivalent of the 510OT.
My SC504 is Ebay#250076655546 which depicts 2 Stags fighting in locked horns.
Question: Do you know what series this knife was created with ,and approx date of manufacture.? I am aware the SC 504 is generally associated with President Series "Andrew Jackson on his horse" however have not seen this scrimshaw before on 'The Big Timer',& is it relatively rare perhaps rarer than the 510OT?
Any info appreciated. Hoo Roo
Well I did some research and entered this post, and only then did I look at your Ebay link, which of course showed a photo of a completely different knife!:o Guess that's what happens to your brain when you plow snow all night. Anyway here's a picture of Larry's knife, can't say as I've ever seen this one before. I'll keep my other dribble up for research sake.

The photo below is of a different knife
Is this the image?
This one was made for the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. Possibly part of a set? I know Schrade did a lot of SFO's for them, especially boxed sets.
I havent seen this scrim before, course there are hundreds I havent seen.
I'll check around as well. It is a beauty. I have the SC504 un scrimmed so the knife was being made. Andy (whom I havent heard from in a while) was selling these un-scrimmed knives from stock just after the close. He used them on his boat.
Well find it..
As an aside, Levine's #4 mentions a Whitetails Unlimited, done in 1994...but alas, no further decription.
