Question regarding Flash

Nov 26, 2002

I think about getting a SOG Flash since the deep carry would really help me to use it as an EDC. Is it possible to remove the spring from the SAT and still being able to open the knife?
Everything with a spring will be considered automatic in my area, it's not really illegal, but I'll definitely be the BG from the polices point of view.

Thanks and
Happy new year to all ya!

Don Disco
sounds like you "need" an arc-lock. i can deploy my arc-locks as fast or faster than the SAT's, although they are fun to play with. after using arc-lock knives, i am no longer fasinated with switchblades(i have a couple of microtec's). the arc-lock and axis locks(benchmade), IMO are just as fast, and in my case, FASTER:)
You may want to try the Mini X-Ray Vision, it has the deep carry clip and the Arc-lock with no "assist-spring". It also has a very solid blade.


As far as taking the spring out? I am sure it can be done, but I wouldn't recommend it. I'll let Ron answer that one "officially"...

Hope this helps,

thanks a lot for your advice.
The Mini X-Ray is exactly what I'm looking for in matters of low carry, blade size and weight.
Do you know if the clip is reversible and if a non-serrated version is available?
And, can I take it apart for cleaning without having the springs from the lock flying around?(taking a knife apart never was my problem, but putting everything together again...)

Finally: Is it possible to remove the thumb-stud?
I've needed to replace most thumb-studs on my other knives with bigger (that is: longer) screws that protrude further from the blade since I mostly wear gloves when having to use a knife.

Thanks a lot and have a nice weekend,
Don Disco
it has a reversible clip, non-serrated was not made in the mini x-ray.
thumb studs are replaceable,.
however, i don't advise taking it apart. it is very cleanable together, you would have to see it to know what i am talking about:)
Hey Don,

Wayne nailed this answer...and before me! I think he’s looking for his [zero percent] commission! Or a promotion! ;)

Regarding the thumbstud, if you pick up this knife, email me at and we might be able to work something out for an alternate thumbstud option that might work better for you.

thanks a lot. You really were a great help. I've just ordered one and now the hardest part begins...waiting.

Have a nice weekend,
Don Disco