Quick hike, water, flowers, and drugs!

Jul 31, 2007
Had some time yesterday to pop out into the woods for a bit. This place is an old river access point, where the river has changed its course and is a couple hundred feet away. During high water though, there are a lot of small off shoots that pop up in old river beds. I've only lived here for a year, so I'm not sure how long ago it was that this place went down hill. But, it's usually quiet and peaceful. Although there is a lot of evidence of drinkers and paintballers, I still enjoy it.




It was sprinkling on and off, but mostly sunny.


Some nice spring growth:





More after the break...
This was my first chance to use my Silky Saw on a hike, this one is big for me, but man does it cut well! I got it to replace my pocket chainsaw, which since my surgery has just worn me out to much. This Silky Saw does the work for me, and faster!

I spent a lot of time cleaning up my Krein Bushcraft to sell it, to fund my upgrade to an Krein XL Bushcraft, since it is so clean and shiny now, I decided to bring my CR Skinner with me. I like this knife, but it's a little to heavy for me, and I don't really plan on needing to skin something.

Here it is in some Krein kydex:

I thought this might make a good tinder... and maybe it would have if it hadn't been sprinkling all day.


It took a spark after some persistence, but didn't burn well.

Almost missed this guy:

I stumbled upon this, which seems like a "home" for someone, or a place for someone to come and do drugs. I didn't find any needles, or burnt spoons, but its seems kinda sketchy. Bummer too, cause this was a perfect spot besides all the trash. Most of it got washed away when the water rose.

I did think this was really cool:

This has been here for a LONG time!

A lot more pictures here, with some animal tracks and more trash!

cool pics, nice area.

We too up here have been cursed by drug dens/camps in the woods.
^ stick those grasses in yer pocket for a bit and let em dry out.....

btw, the little wood rockinghorse, thats pretty neat
Hey Peripawtew - I think you found the long lost prototype of the chia-pet (rocking horse). Hauls that thing home and sell it on e-bay :D

Great shots and looks like a good walk. I'm always stumbling across bushparty spots here and there. I don't mind them as they are mostly teenagers trying to experience their first kiss and experimenting with alcohol. However, I do wish they would attempt to clean up after themselves more. At the very least the tend to use the same burn pit and a couple I came across were relatively well fortified with large rocks.
Great pics peripatew!

Set up some snares and Xlarger deadfalls around that garbage!
Thanks for sharing peripatew!

I come across crap like that when I'm hiking here also. I really is sad that people go through such an effort to be idiots.

That pic of the slug is pretty darn cool.
Great pics buddy, in my opinion that is the best looking CR knife !!!!!
TonyM that was funny. Should be intresting to see you can Actualy catch anything in it lol.. That rocking horse would be carried to my house even if every bone would hurt after doing it over the many miles of hiking back.
