Quick puter question

Aug 26, 2005
My computer keyboard works in two languages and so quite a few keys have three functions . capital letters is for second function . How do I access the third function . As you can tell question mark is one of the third functions ! L:O:L
You can access them by pressing the right-hand ALT button together with the respective key (instead of the SHIFT button).
Ints nert werking Nordic Viking . Win I Tuch Alt no keeys wurk pooperly !

No keys work when I touch alt . In fact I have to re click with mouse to begin typing again .
Kismet said:
Have you tried hitting it?

Kismet , while I would never attack such a defenseless prey . (Unless I was hungry ! ) The keyboard has raised my ire more than once . For some reason it objects to being my dinner table and drink coaster !

The mouse on the other hand is fair game ! While i have given up hunting them indoors with a shotgun .(Its winter and the holes in the walls are drafty ! ) I will however take them out using more discreet methods . My favourite technique is to follow the old nursery rhyme advice and cut off their tails with a carving knife . (There seems to be no end to those things ! )

On the serious side it may well be a software thing as one of our esteemed brethren has pointed out . It is a french keyboard . I have it on Canadian English which has two A keys . So we can type "Take off A" with either hand . L:O:L

French keyboards encorporate accents into their keyboard setup . I won,t say why this is so because I am outnumbered 3 million to one . If I had a guiness in me I might deem those acceptable odds . As I am sober I shall remain mute on the subject . (Did I mention we have something called
"The language police" here . ) I kid you not !
my UK keyboard does indeed use the right hand 'Alt Gr' key to produce the 3rd characters on two keys, € and ¦, normally they are 4 & `, shift4 = $ and shift ` = ¬.

the french over here have secret police who will bust down your door and arrest you without warrant for the heinous crime of using english words. the use of 'le big mac' is a capital offense. another reason we love them so much in the UK. they seem to think they won the last war. everyone else knows the germans did.

solution may be to smuggle in a UK or US keyboard & fight for your right to use it. the accessory system tool 'character map' can be used to produce accented or non-accented chars & symbols like ® , or you can use the alt key and the 4 digit code of the char you want to produce. alt-0246 produces the umlauted 'o' in my last name 'ö' (except it don't work in the forum editor, had to use charmap)
Kismet said:
Have you tried hitting it?
Umm. This is actually an approved and effective way of fixing stuck keys. It's called the "Fonzie" method of repair. One of the few times when smacking something actually helps.

But yeah, it's software. Probably the biggest difference between a US and, say, Swedish keyboard is what's printed on the keys. As I recall, software decides what character was intended based on scan codes received from the keyboard. For example, this software can tell when you press the left shift key and when you release it. Press another key before releasing, and it interprets this as an upper-case letter.
If all else fails, take the keyboard out back and destroy it with a khukuri. It won't solve your problem but you will feel better afterwards.
I think we hit the head on the nail here . Someone wrote that it is the software which decides what character is ontrolled by what key .

It is in truth we as humans who decide what is what . We have more and more humanised our delightful companions . (Computers )
These wretched individuals who haunt our every step to help us on our way are the most detrimental boon to mankind . We can already verbally communicate with them . How long do you think it will be before we converse . Then it is no more than a hop , skip and a trip down a slippery slope towards losing arguments with them . It actually already exists in some vehicles . If you drive in a manner that the onboard computer deems hazardous to yourself or others it will intervene . This is a good thing as Martha would say . Just how long will it be before it says "No you are not driving today" .
FallingKnife said:
Umm. This is actually an approved and effective way of fixing stuck keys. It's called the "Fonzie" method of repair. One of the few times when smacking something actually helps.

Around here it's known as 'percussive maintenance', and I have an award for performing it. They gave me a teensy little hammer. :)
Kevin the grey said:
It actually already exists in some vehicles . If you drive in a manner that the onboard computer deems hazardous to yourself or others it will intervene . This is a good thing as Martha would say . Just how long will it be before it says "No you are not driving today" .

I'm from now on going to be very nice to my car and make it last until I'm too senile to drive.........I don't want no car telling me where to go.......i have enough help there as it is:D

For that matter if the car started talking it would probably end up in a pole anyway from scaring me to death......but thanks for warning me about these new puters on the loose...............

Why can't someone invent a house cleaning computer...........wait they already have........i just can't afford it..............:grumpy: :rolleyes:
Kevin the grey said:
On the serious side it may well be a software thing as one of our esteemed brethren has pointed out . It is a french keyboard . I have it on Canadian English which has two A keys . So we can type "Take off A" with either hand . L:O:L

Unless I missed something, someone better talk to him. I'm rarely esteemed on any list...
Kevin the grey said:
It actually already exists in some vehicles . If you drive in a manner that the onboard computer deems hazardous to yourself or others it will intervene .

On newer VW's, it's an option known as ESP, or Electronic Stability Program. It monitors wheel revolutions, engine speed, and some other stuff that I'm not up to date on and senses when traction is broken, then selectively brakes one or more wheels to "suck" the car back into a turn if it's beginning to skid.

What do I experience? I flog it through the curves on a wet road, the light comes on, I hear a loud CLUNK, and the car straightens out. It really takes the fun out of spirited driving. I often turn it off, unless it's icy out. :o

Pretty amazing stuff, really.

But the keyboard? I still vote for taking a khukuri to it.
Dave Rishar said:
On newer VW's, it's an option known as ESP, or Electronic Stability Program. It monitors wheel revolutions, engine speed, and some other stuff that I'm not up to date on and senses when traction is broken, then selectively brakes one or more wheels to "suck" the car back into a turn if it's beginning to skid.

What do I experience? I flog it through the curves on a wet road, the light comes on, I hear a loud CLUNK, and the car straightens out. It really takes the fun out of spirited driving. I often turn it off, unless it's icy out.

I'm wondering if that isn't similar to what is offered on the 2005 and no doubt a little earlier Toyota Camry.
I opted for the SE that has a sturdier suspension and doesn't make any corrections for you.
Sometimes you want it to skid.:thumbup: :cool: :D ;)

I got an email from Toyota the other day with a preview of the 2007 models.
Maybe because I bought the SE it was the one featured with links to the LE and LSE or whatever the other designations are.
The 2007 Camry is coming out with a 265 horsepower V-6.:eek: The most powerful Camry yet!!!!
And besides that they are really pretty, a lot prettier than the 2005s IMO as if looks mattered.:rolleyes:
Now I'm beginning to wonder what it will cost us to trade up even if the one we have is perfectly capable of lasting us the rest of our lives with proper maintenance.:o :grumpy:

And hell, I squeal the tires on our 4 banger enough on takeoff without meaning to, no telling what I'd do with 265 horses.;) :rolleyes:
My usual method when some @#%*&$#@ gadget goes funky is to resort to my Glock 21 .45 auto.....can be ex$pen$ive though.:p
You guys seem even more up on the technology than me . The technology I saw was even more intrusive than what is really no more than skid control . The add I saw claimed the puter would stop the vehicle from going into a rollover . Obviously it was for an S:U:V: though I don,t remember which one though nissan rings a bell far back in the cranial cavity .