Quick request for advice


Jul 9, 2002
I have a cs 5' tanto voyager which i would like to learn how to use in self defence. Can anyone please recommend a good book which teachs techniques which can be learnt without a partner?
I can't recommend any particular book, but I'm sure any good one would advise you to use a blade much shorter than 5'.

(I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist);)
Originally posted by TorzJohnson
I can't recommend any particular book, but I'm sure any good one would advise you to use a blade much shorter than 5'.

Don't let William Wallace hear you say that!!!!!

Happy New Year
Originally posted by TorzJohnson
I can't recommend any particular book, but I'm sure any good one would advise you to use a blade much shorter than 5'...
Why? If I KNEW I was going to have to "fight with a knife", I'd want the longest blade I have available to me, in-order to keep as much "distance" as I could, which would mean my Cold Steel Vaquero Grande (6 inch blade), my Ontario/Bagwell Hell's Belle (11 inch blade), or my chainsaw (26 inch bar).
Originally posted by glockman99
Why? If I KNEW I was going to have to "fight with a knife", I'd want the longest blade I have available to me, in-order to keep as much "distance" as I could,

It was meant to be a joke about the typo. 5' means 5 foot blade, whereas 5" is 5 inch. The original question mentioned a 5' blade, not a 5" blade. That's all.

Originally posted by Medic1210
It was meant to be a joke about the typo. 5' means 5 foot blade, whereas 5" is 5 inch. The original question mentioned a 5' blade, not a 5" blade. That's all.

My bad...It looks like I need to learn to READ alittle bit better myself! HOWEVER, SIFU1A's idea of a 5 ft Claymore isn't such a BAD weapon to have in a fight...IF you are strong-enough to be able to swing that monster without spinning-around in circles due to its' momentum.:D.
Thanks peeps, im suprised i got such a good response when im sure you've heard the same question from beginners millions of times! However what i was looking for was book that was fairly specific to folders and even the style of folder that i own, any ideas?
So is there no books that give techniques for using a folder in self defence?
There are some books and, if you'll read the replies, some have been suggested. I don't think that there probably is a book exactly specific to the Cold Steel tanto voyager. But you don't want to learn something that specific anyway because you might, someday, find yourself with a different knife and you want your skills to transfer easily.

I suspect that your desire to learn something without actually trying it is a bit unreasonable and has probably discouraged some replies to your question. It certainly discouraged me when I first read this thread. My response was, "it's not even worth five minutes to try and answer that fool."

The idea of trying to learn knife fighting from the comfort of your lazyboy chair is a bit like trying to learn to play piano with sound-proof earplugs in... and without a piano.

Books can help a lot, but there comes a point in any such book where you've got to get out of your chair and practice and experiment with a partner. And that point typically comes about three to five pages into the book.

The best advice is to find a qualified instructor offering classes in your area. The class will provide you with a variety of partners to work with and the instructor will help you adapt techniques to your own abilities and body, will notice and help you correct mistakes you're making, and will keep you from developing bad (even potentially fatal) habits.

This thing, knife fighting, is serious enough (way serious) that if you really do want to learn it, it's worth doing right.
Originally posted by mat
So is there no books that give techniques for using a folder in self defence?

Janich's "Fighting Folders" and "Advanced Fighting Folders." Books & videos available from Paladin. Doesn't get more specific than that.

Hi again,
Thanks chad wick, Janich's "Fighting Folders" and "Advanced Fighting Folders" looks like what im after, one last question: does anyone know were in the UK i can purchase this book(s)?
