I cannot believe this! I just got a 941D2CF about a week ago. It is beautiful in every way. This is the part that drive me crazy. I am seriously considering unloading this knife. Here is my theory. I could have four or five 555's or 556's in all configs which is my favorite knife BTW. This 941 I will never carry, I know me and me will never carry or use this knife. I thought I would put it in the drawer and impress the bud's but I am not happy with it just setting in the drawer. Please tell me I am not insane. I posted on a thread about what kind of $ I would spend on a knife. I said 50-60 $ and I am still at that figure. At 50 to 60 I will use the knife anything over and It will set. Someone tell me you are this way too!! thanks for the forum. dtsoll