Randall Lore #011 Stanaback Special

Aug 9, 2000
This Lore is for "SixGuns" by request. From Randall Knife Society #27, June, 1995. From an article by fellow member, Kent Harrison.


Despite all of the controversy over big knife versus little knife one thing will always remain. When you break your big knife there's usually enough left to make a small knife! It is reported that from these beginnings came the 'Stanaback Special". In mid 1987, Jeff McCartney, one of the Randall craftsmen, was working on a broken Randall blade, attempting to reshape it into a useful knife. The blade stock was 1/4" and the end result was a short, heavy duty knife blade.


Also about this time, Captain Chris Stanaback of Sportsman's Services of Florida (largest Randall Dealer in the South), was entertaining ideas for his Dealer Special. He leaned toward the "Little Bear Bowie" style but also wanted a blade shorter than the Bear's 6" length. Chris looked at the knife McCartney had shaped from the broken blade and realized the basis for his special had been formed.

The final result was a forged stainless steel blade 4" in length from 1/4" stock. The blade has the long upper bevel, at least long for a short blade, and gives the appearance of a knife which would really shine through a torture test. Thumb notches in front of the single hilt are standard and the handles are all of leather washer construction with a thru tang and butt cap. These knives are serial numbered and exactly 100 were produced. For a short period prior to this, approximately 100 Stanaback Specials were produced with the same blade but finished with handles of micarta, wood, or stag. None of these were serial numbered. The sheaths for all of the Stanaback Specials are stamped "SSP" on the back.

A feature the Stanaback shares with the Sasquatch is the fact that it has been offered in two blade lengths. However, the difference is the short blade will be discontinued and the longer blade will take over, whereas the Sasquatch is offered in two blade lengths. Beginning in 1993, the Stanaback Special blade length will be 4-5/8". It will be stainless steel and of the same grind. These knives will not be serial numbered with the possible exception of a special run of 100 to be produced at a latter date and offered to the purchasers of the original 100 serial numbered knives.


One of the most exciting features of the new knife will be the redesigned sheath. This innovative design was provided by Chris Stanaback and submitted to Greg Gutcher of Sullivan's Holster Shop, the sole supplier of all of the leather sheaths for Randall Made Knives. "Master Leather Craftsmen" best describes the work turned out by the Sullivan Shop. Greg has one of the most innovative minds when it comes to sewing up leather sheaths. Piggyback, ankle, exotic skins, the sky's the limit if you want a custom sheath for a Randall knife. The sheath for the new Stanaback Special will have a round diamond EZE-LAP sharpening steel instead of the stone we're so familiar with. And the sheaths will be made of oxblood colored leather with black stitching instead of the usual brown leather. With the exception of the first few 4-5/8" models sold in 1993, the sheaths will be marked with the "Capt. Chris Stanaback" logo around the familiar Randall logo stamp.

STANABACK SPECIAL: Capt. Chris Stanaback, P.O. Box 100, Kenansville, Fl, 34739 ph. 407-436-1113, FAX 1115