Random Thought Thread

Share any other secrets?

I like grilled sweet onions, some thinly sliced cheese, and whatever special sauce I can whip together. And of course toasted Martin’s potato buns.

Hmm. Off the top of my head...

- Don’t overwork the meat. It needs the “grain” in tact.
- 80/20 burger. You gotta have the fat.
- Potato buns are pretty key.
- Meat to bun ratio can make or break. Doubles are really not the best. Of course ridiculous giant buns aren’t either.
- Anthony Bourdain tip - don’t screw with the basics. Fancy ingredients don’t make it better.

Lately our favorite is homemade smash burgers. Maybe my favorite ever, and I love to grill. I’ll post a good smash burger vid.

$3000 outdoor griddle not necessary but awesome!