rat folders from e-bay

Jul 25, 2015
hi are the rat 1 and 2 that they are selling on e-bay that the seller is located in china real and legit ontario knifes?
Considering what the Rat 1 and Rat 2 cost why would you buy from a auction site with the seller located in China ?

Just buy them from a authorized OKC dealer and you won't have to worry about them being legit or not.
because they have different color scales that look kool,thats why i was wondering if they ship different ones to them.
I was looking at those today as I was interested in the camo scales, but my research led me to believe they were fakes.... that is the only place those colors are available to best of my knowledge and they do not offer any of the traditional more commonly available colors.....

Still, while I wouldn't trust the knife itself, I'm still toying with ordering a cheap one just to see if I can do a scale swap on em.... while I may not trust Chinese mystery steel, I don't think they can screw up nylon handle scales... sure would be less costly than the 60 to 90 bucks I see other scale sets going for if they cloned it well enough that the screw holes line up.

they CLAIM the handles are made of G10......

you could get a real one on the cheap, and a knock off for scales and end up with a very nice knife for roughly 50.00.... and a cheapie junker to give away to someone in need....
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Another member posted a thread some time ago where he tried to swap scales, it didn't work.
save me the headache of trying then... thank goodness, I'd have died a little inside if I knowingly supported the counterfitting industry .......
Right now OKC offers 5 different handle colors for the Rat 1... not counting any exclusives.

OD Green
Desert Tan
Coyote Brown
If they are on ebay and coming from China, they are fakes.

I have also looked at these on ebay and really like the different color scales. They are fake but at $24 and free shipping, probably still a decent knife? Just can't bring myself to buy fakes though.

Counterfeits of the RAT 1 and 2 are a huge issue for us. We are working to try and stop this but it is like spitting into the ocean at times.
If you look closely at pictures from our website, you will notice small detail differences. Also, if they are from China (Usually Hong Kong or the Guangdong area), that is a strong give away.
As always caveat emptor. Ontario will not work on or honor any of them if they are sent into us for exchange, repair or return. (The standard obligatory notice:D)
Hope this helps.

Best Regards,

Paul Tsujimoto
VP Engineering
Ontario Knife Company
I know the advertised "Rat-2" versions are clones and not exact clones either. I went out of my way to purchase them, thinking I'd have more scale options. I have a few of these "not exact clones" now and they are different than the Ontario Rat-2 authentic versions.

Here's a cut-paste of a post I had made concerning this.

Well, as I was researching something else, I just learned that there are Chinese made clones of both the Ontario Rat-1 and Rat-2.

I've heard of high-end, high-priced knives being cloned/copied, but a $25 knife? This actually explains allot to me and solves a mystery that's been driving me crazy for the last couple of days.

I recently purchased a couple Rat-2 knives, because they were pictured with scales that I've not seen advertised. I was initially led to believe that they were Rat-2 knives, with custom scales.

I knew something was up when I got the 1st one. Some of the things I noticed are as follows.

- Blade etching is raised and in a smaller font on the blade front and larger on the blade back, as compared to the authentic.
- Thumb stud is smaller.
- Not as much of a blade belly.
- Thicker blade stock.
- Longer pocket-clip.
- Thicker liners.
- Pillers are not "D" shape on the ends, to lock into the liners.
- Pocket-Clip, screws and the screws that hold the scales to the pillars are not black, just raw natural.
- Scales are claimed to be G10, but who really knows for sure.
- Size/Shape is slightly off compared to the authentic Rat-2, which disallows the scales from being interchangeable.

That last issue is what pisses me off the most. I was hoping to use these scales on my authentic Rat-2.
Speaking of clones, theres a company called Ganzo, and they sell super cheap (12-20$) clpones of all kinds of knives, like the Spyderco paramilitary and Rat 1 and others, but the lock up is different. Do these guys have the ok to make low cost copies in 440c steel, and so on? They seem to be presenting a legit low cost product, and not so much stealing anyones name, but very close to popular designs
I had a scale swap idea with a Spyderco clone. I was smart enough to ask around first. After a thread just like this warning me otherwise, I'm glad I wasn't stupid enough to do it.

Some hard truths of the knife world: stay away from Chinese websites, and for gods sake, stay the hell away from EBay.