Rat sar4

Oct 4, 2006
Who else would like to see a RAT version of the SAR4, I'd say at around $200.00.
I would think the thinner profile of the RC-4 would be a better cutter than the SAR4 the only problem might be the handle size compared to the Busse. If you were worried about strength, there is alwasy the rc-5.
Ah. No wonder I didn't know what it was. It kinda looks like a dressed up RC-4. Too rich for my blood.
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To me the RC4 is great and will do the job....SAR Search And Rescue
THe Busse SAR4 is new I have the SAR5 and needs to be convexed or something cutting edge is to thick another blade that will go down the road,now Bill Siegle's SAR version is Sweet.....
I think the RAT version would look like a RAT TAK (RC4 blade with RC6 handle).

That's probably #37 on Jeff's "Crap people are whining about" list.

Sorry guys I met to post this in the Swamp Rat forum; wrong RAT. But if RAT wants to come up with a version that would be great.