Rats survive desert

Originally posted by gundy
7.I found a rock nearby that had been chiselled down on two sides, possibly used as a cutting instrument. It was extremely sharp! It wqs left there.

Hey Jerry, that's what happened to the prototype for the new line you said you lost while burying PVC tubes down under....

Guy, can you send that back to Jerry??
Mguy, I think I should probably delete that pic, it sounds like I was not suppose to post that one...sorry Jerry! :D

Dwayne, it's XXXX mate...Tastes like Wombats piss and I highly recommend you stay clear of it. Imagine decaf CBL! Yuk! (it has the XXXX barbed wire logo for a reason, cos it goes down like frikkin barbed wire)

Now Guiness, now you are talking man, Jack Ryans is a nice little Irish pub close to home...I likes me Guiness lad...;)