Ray Rantanen

Jan 10, 2002
Hi everyone I have recently found your site and am enjoying it very much. I have a damascus knife I bought around 10 years ago made by Ray Rantanen out of Castle Rock Colorado I was wondering if he was still in buisness and if anyone here has heard of him or has any of his knives and what you thought of them
Ray is very active in knife making. He usually has several knives on e-bay at any given time.

His web site is: www.raysknives.com

Phone: 208-623-6376
Fax: 208-623-6944
E-mail: rayrant@aol.com

I'm in discussion with him about having him make a knife for me.

How has your knife held up (assuming you are using it vs simply collecting)? Ray is promoting Damascus, is your blade Damascus? Any other comments you'd care to make about Ray's product?