Re-purposing Leather Sheaths


Platinum Member
Jun 20, 2018
Sometimes fixed blades come without sheath, other times they come with Kydex, and I want to carry in leather on occasion.

While we have some great sheath makers here, and our knife makers make great sheaths, too, I don’t trust USPS and hate to wait ... So I have quite a few knives in sheaths made for other knives.

For example, the two sheaths below are made by a guy in Texas and sold on ebay, for a Buck 119 on the left, and a Randall on the right. The sheaths are very solid, and I love the way they carry high (sitting in a car, for instance), and they only required changes to the guard clip to be used for two other knives.




Thought others might be in the same boat and would want to share ?

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Sometimes fixed blades come without sheath, other times they come with Kydex, and I want to carry in leather on occasion.

While we have some great sheath makers here, and our knife makers make great sheaths, too, I don’t trust USPS and hate to wait ... So I have quite a few knives in sheaths made for other knives.

For example, the two sheaths below are made by a guy in Texas and sold on ebay, for a Buck 119 on the left, and a Randall on the right. The sheaths are very solid, and I love the way they carry high (sitting in a car, for instance), and they only required changes to the guard clip to be used for two other knives.




Thought others might be in the same boat and would want to share ?


Two great blades to go in those neat sheaths!!!!👍👍👍
Sometimes fixed blades come without sheath, other times they come with Kydex, and I want to carry in leather on occasion.

While we have some great sheath makers here, and our knife makers make great sheaths, too, I don’t trust USPS and hate to wait ... So I have quite a few knives in sheaths made for other knives.

For example, the two sheaths below are made by a guy in Texas and sold on ebay, for a Buck 119 on the left, and a Randall on the right. The sheaths are very solid, and I love the way they carry high (sitting in a car, for instance), and they only required changes to the guard clip to be used for two other knives.




Thought others might be in the same boat and would want to share ?

Looks like a very practical, solid design and well-crafted.:thumbsup:

These are my using sheaths. 4”,5”,6” made by tripleK and 7” KA-BAR

One of these will usually work. This allows me to use a knife that is missing a sheath or the sheath is old and/or I dont want to damage it.

Notice that is my Randall in the KA-BAR sheath. It also works for a Buck 120
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Be careful using sheaths not made for your knife. Many have found :) or lost sheath knives due bad retention. If you depend on a keeper strap, snaps can fail or be opened by brush, and a loose fit doesn't help.
Be careful using sheaths not made for your knife. Many have found :) or lost sheath knives due bad retention. If you depend on a keeper strap, snaps can fail or be opened by brush, and a loose fit doesn't help.

Agree. Then again, not too hard to tighten the straps using a new button - as I did for both sheaths in the OP and for the UF above.
Great thread topic, I just got done rubbing multiple coats of leather preservative into all of my sheaths last night. Some of the sheaths don't even have blades in them, but eventually a good deal on a sheath pays off.
This Buck came used and without a sheath, thankfully I had one laying around that would fit it.
