Sep 14, 1999
Please email my wife and family again
and let them know I am doing fine.
Tell them to keep praying for all the troops over here and know that I love them all. We are doing fine where we are...
God bless...

Message to everyone:
Pray for us all over here.
God bless the USA: Land of the free BECAUSE of the brave!
Pray for the families of the KIA and pray for the WIA and the POWs and their families as well...NEVER FORGET!!

God bless the US!
Semper Fi

Sgt. Horsley
BLT 2/1
Tip of the Spear

Somewhere in Iraq...

to my wife:
Love you honey. God bless you and hope you are "enjoying" your time at home...don't watch CNN ALL of the time!!;) Know I am fine and God and your angel are with me! I love you, my dearest friend...
con te partiro...even at times like this...
your loving and faithful husband,
sure do miss your cookin', tell your mom her cheese soup sounds SOOO good! ;)

to my folks and bro:
Dad, Mom, and Will,
All is going good here. Got your emails about prayers and concerns. Thanks...Tell all I checked in and that God and the angels are watching over us...Reading Psalms 91 (from your email, Mom!) and know we are "trampling the serpent!"
Dad and Will,
MAN! Do I have some tales to tell you...over beers of course! Mom doesn't have to know!;):D
God bless...

Psalms 91!!!

God bless

See BELOW for how it is going here...

Great Psalm for our troops at this time. I'll take care of the e-mails above.

Thanks so much for letting us know you're OK.

We're praying...and His grace is always sufficient.

I finally figured out how to do this.....

We are all praying for you.....we were so glad to hear from you!! Everyone is so proud of you. We are watching CNN, but not TOO much!!!

Mom says she will fix you some cheese soup when you get back!!!!

Things in IA are fine. I am not sure if I should wait to return to CA, though. I don't want to be alone if things get more complicated. We will see......

I love you, my dearest friend.....take care...God be with all of you.
con te partiro

Thank you to all that support our military.
God bless you all. These threads pull at my heart. I have SO MUCH appreciation for all our soldiers and their familys, but this makes it a little more personal and I truly wish you all the best. Thanks for supporting your family member that is fighting for us all. You folks seem to be a true Amercian family. Thanks for your sacrifice. It makes me feel small to be in the presence of you all. Keep your chins up, I know we will prevail. I hope you can be with your loved one soon.

We are all still very excited about your communication with us!!! We hope that things are going as well as they can and that you are all staying positive. We are so supportive of you guys and we are so thankful that we have you over there to serve.

I love you, Jess, and I look forward to walking on the beach with you again soon.......

Your dearest friend
con te partiro

We are so glad to hear from you and can't wait to get to the computer each day to see if you have posted a reply. So many words to express how proud we are of you and all the troops that are fighting for the freedom that too many Americans take for granted. Jess hope you don't mind if I join the party of stories with Uncle and Will, just gonna have to buy a couple O'douls though.
We are thankful to Mr. Prisco for the ability to use this page for communication. We are no doubtable going to have to have American Tomahawk Company make us a limited addition hawk to mark this occasion. Mr. Prisco if you have any ideas let me know.

Stay safe and love always,

Kort, Sheri, Clay and Alli

Keep the faith
Thanks for all of the support...
God bless...
We are all doing well here and hope that you are all doing well too.

God bless and keep the prayers coming...

Sgt. Horsley

Hope you had a good time at the Swing Choir deal. was gonna call you but the line is too long...
I love you, my dearest friend. Know that you are the "wish" I make on the first star I see in the night's sky and we will be together again in a few short months...
(maybe longer than first expected thought :D)
Con te partiro...even at times like this...
your dearest friend and loving husband

Kort and fam,
thanks and know that we will have to go hunting when I get will be nice to handle a different gun than a 16 after all of this ;)
God bless and thanks...

Dad and mom,
love you all and check your email for a letter for Dad...
more later if possible...
God bless
your son
Tell will I would be lucky to bench press my own weight right now!:D :D

Thanks for the messages. Just so you know, I will be heading back to CA tomorrow as planned. I need to get back to where I feel connected to you.......

Be safe and I'll be strong......
I love you.
con te partiro....ESPECIALLY at times like these....
I love you and will see you ASAP...

God bless
Con te partiro...ESPECIALLY at times like this (one again you out do me! :D)


It's always good to know that you are safe and that things are going as well as expected. I will keep the letters coming. Your letters are getting here and are taking about 2-4 weeks, just so you know. I cherish each of them and read them over and over again......

Take care and I will look forward to hearing from you....
Con te partiro
now and always.....
mom mom mom :)

Dear Son-

Thank you, Jess for being YOU! We read and pray Psalm 91 for your safety each day. SO many calls and prayers going your way. Thank the others of your 15 MEU for your work with the rescue of Jessica! WHAT A CONTRIBUTION TO THE MORALE OF US ALL!!

We are thankful for your journals... want to forward, but want to be certain it is absolutely cleared to do so? Please leave message?

We always love you... care for you... no matter what. BE SAFE and Stay Strong... best to the Men of S-3 shop!!
Psalm 91,
Sgt. Jess-

We haven't heard from you in a while. Pray you are o.k. in Nasiriyah, and helping with the supply line for USMC's to the BIG BAG? Shouldn't be too long and Iraq should be free! Thank you for your service, Son. Greet your men for us. Dad is planning to visit Calif. this week and will see Shelly. We have 5 " new snow - Will's fine - wrestling this week, work busy. YOU ARE IN OUR PRAYERS CONSTANTLY. THANKS JESS FOR YOUR SERVICE. Keep centered and trust God. Jars and Psalm 91, Love, Mother..

Just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you always.....Hang in there........when things get sticky, remember: this too shall pass. We will be together soon and this will all be a memory.

I am staying strong and positive because I know you are doing what you want to be doing. You are serving and I am proud of you!

Take care,
I love you always
con te partiro