Real World Martial Combatives Training

Dec 9, 2001
Datu Kelly Worden is an old friend, longtime contributor / editor to both Fighting Knives and Full Contact, and one of the finest close quarters combat instructors and innovators in the United States today.

He is the founder of Natural Spirit and Renegade JKD, and one of the leading proponents of Modern Arnis, the Filipino / U.S. fighting system founded by the late Remy Presas.

Kelly moderates a martial arts forum at

Go to "World Modern Arnis Coalition" and log on. There is a sign up procedure much like Bladeforums. It's easy, quick, and worth the effort.

There is some incredible discussion on this forum. It is carefully moderated and the attitude is to help and educate all those who particpate. If you have knife related questions regarding training and such, there isn't a better community available to help you on your individual path.

Ack! Nevermind - I tried to post the link to the exact forum KW is on, but UBB edited the link so it didnt work.

I know...I'm on a tough learning curve...forgive the dead ends...we're working on it:rolleyes:
I had the pleasure of meeting and training with the Datu a few weekends ago. It was great and my first exposure with one of the contemporary master of the bladed arts. He has a special way of communicating information and concepts that I found very enlighting. He methodology of "connecting the system" is a true innovation.

If anyone is thinking about train with him, I would encourage you to do so.

A caveat:

Real names only on this Forum. Yes, you will see some Net names, but only those which had previously established themselves on the Uechi-ryu site and whose names are known to the moderators.

Flames will be doused.

You may recognize some old friends and make new ones.

Gee, I'm finding new boards everyday, which mean more information. I didn't realize Datu Worden moderated a board; I'm so happy.