Received HHBL's BM300 today!

Dec 3, 2000
Well, the BM330 Dec KOTM arrived today. My initial reaction when I opened the box was disappointment. From the photos I had seen of the December knife it was a very nice shade of blue. The knife I received was silver/gray and if you tilted it just the right way you could catch a glimpse of the blue color.

But I recovered. My knife collecting boss just happened to be in my office at the time and I called him over to see the knife. He was extremely impressed with it. He agreed that it was not blue. But he handled the knife for about 10 minutes and did whatever KnifeKnuts do when they get their hands on a new knife. So I felt better about the knife after seeing his reaction.

It is a very nice knife, and my HHBL is getting it for Christmas anyway. He doesn't know it was supposed to be a different color. Besides, I told him that if he doesn't like it, I am getting 8500 marriage proposals. He is already convinced that he is going to love his present!

I'll let you know what his reaction is after he opens it. Thanks for all your help.


There is one rule:
Never postpone your life for a man.
Hi Judy,
HHBL.......That still makes me laugh!!!

Too bad about the color.
It sounded like that was something that was important to you when you chose this knife.

It sounds like your boss was impressed.
Was he hinting (you know....brownie points)for a Xmas present for next year??

I'm sure that your HHBL will just love your gift.
Especially if you let him know to what extensive efforts you put into making this a perfect gift for him.

Let us know how this unfolds.

If I don't talk to you before then, I want to wish a Merry Christmas to both you & your "HHBL"!!!

--The Raptor--


You're right, the color was one of the important things I liked about the knife. Oh well.

And on the boss/knife thing..... he isn't my boss-boss... he is one of the supervisors who reports to my boss, and I do work for this supervisor also. And he wasn't hinting about a knife - heck, he goes to knife shows all the time. And he said I should go to a knife show - and that there is one in Las Vegas in February. So I told him that he should take me with him (and his wife) and they should get me a comped room (they gamble alot). He said that's a good idea.

My "REAL" boss and I don't do birthdays, Christmas, Boss's Day, Secretary's Day, etc. etc. We just do things for each other all year long - we don't believe that Hallmark should dictate when we should do something nice for each other. And also..... no obligations, no expectations, no hurt feelings.

Wow, Real Sex 25 is on HBO right now.... The female strippers are wearing strap on's and getting BJ's from the other strippers.

Sorry - off topic.

Happy Holidays back to you! And I'll let you know how much HHBL likes his Christmas present.


There is one rule:
Never postpone your life for a man.

[This message has been edited by Totally Judy (edited 12-20-2000).]
Glad to hear that you are pleased with the knife despite the color confusion.
Make sure HHBL doesn't let it get scuffed up by putting it with his keys and stuff.


Chang and the Rebels of the East
(Southern Taiwan Shall Rise Again!)
HOORAY!!! Judy saves Christmas by buying her HHBL a knife!! And just in time for x-mas too! Cool!

"Come What May..."
Well..... I had no choice but to save Christmas...... Especially after being told that I make The Grinch look like Santa Claus. Do you think someone would want to buy the rights to the movie?

"Judy Saves Christmas"

doesn't quite have the same ring to it as "Debbie Does Dallas."



There is one rule:
Never postpone your life for a man.
You bad girl!!

Don't you know that you should let us know about "Real Sex" BEFORE it comes on.

Well, I'm off to imagine what I missed out on.

--The Raptor--