Recomend a hard user 6-7 inch fixed blade with a traditional look

Nov 28, 2005
Hey guys,

I've been looking at strider fixed blades alot to use in the field for the army (6-7 inch blade). I use my blades and dont want to baby them.

However I saw some Randalls, and man the designs are beautiful. I especially like the Randall Model #1 and 14. I really like the leather wrapped handles and the brass on the knife. However the wait time is really long, and I am kind of turned off by the steel choices of the SS and the O-1.

I really WOULD like a better steel choice, so it can a a true hard user. However, I am digging the traditional no BS look.

Any recomendations?
if you want a randall w/o the wait ebay it. CS has some fine fixed blades like the ODA military classic, and the recon that arent much money. IF you want to go the randall or strider direction. Striders will take a heck of a beatin and keep on goin. Chris Reeve Project 1 is a good fixed blade in that size range you mentioned that will do a good job. The Camillus Fisk is a big fixed blade that has that traditional look you were talkin bout. Becker also makes fixed blades in that size that will do good. I recommend the strider and chris reeve blades the most, unless you wanna go busse? but there not the traditional style blade and dont come with a sheath, but you can order one. OH and dont forget about Sog, the S1 is a really good fixed blade that you can use hard and the Tigershark is a big knife too. There are LOTS of option out there for what you described and a whole bunch of diff price ranges....good luck.
Ontario RAT-7. I don't have any personal experience with the RAT-7, but I have the RAT-3, and can't say enough good about it.
Hate to be picky but, dont like CS or SOG. Just because. LOL

If Randall only had more steel choices, then it definitely be that. I'll look into the others though!
Timberline Zambezi 6" is a very good design in 440C.
Boker has a nice stag-scaled Gaucho series.
Puma Bowies is neat too.
Fallkniven is VG10 steel..the very best.
Fallkniven Northern Lights: laminated VG10 blades, leather handles, excellent fit and finish, and quite traditional looking.

I have an NL2 and NL4, and they are great users.
I thought O-1 was a very good steel. But maybe I a mistaken, you might want to look at Ranger knives RD6 or 7 awesome knives not much money.

Randall's stainless and the 0-1 carbon are very strong steels. i have a model 14 and a model 1-6 and their both very nice knives. if you wana beat the crap out of it get a busse or a sog seal series.