Recommend me a folder...

Dec 11, 2001
I recently lost my Buck Lightning HTA due to a damaged clip, and I'm looking for a new knife. I liked my Buck, but I always knew there was something better out there.

I prefer liner locks, but would also be interested in a lock similar to the one found on the Cold Steel Recon blades (which are just too big for daily carrying). I am looking for something that I can have in my pocket at all times, that will do whatever I need it to do.

I thought of the Cold Steel Voyager line, but I can't stand lockbacks. I don't know why.

Edited for more clarity:

I'm looking to spend under 100 dollars, but if there's something that really stands out I'd go as high as 150. I'm looking for a blade that's around 3-4 inches.

Sorry if I was unclear.
If you tell us more about your preferences in blade size, blade shape, and general aesthetics we can probably be of more help.

As far as general recommendations in mid-size folders, I usually recommend the Spyderco Native by default. Since you don't like lockbacks, I suggest you look at the Camillus EDC. Get the one in 154CM, not the older in 420HC. You don't pay very much more and you get a much better steel.

My wife started out with a Buck Lightning. Her next move was to the smaller, but much tougher, Spyderco Mouse. She also carried a Spyderco Vesuvius for a while, until she got her current Spyderco Ocelot prototype.

Good luck!

--Bob Q
If you would like to go a little larger than the Camillus EDC, then I would check out the BM 710.
Very comfortable in the hand. Very slim in the pocket. Very strong in the lockup. And this knife can really cut.
I'm usually a traditional knife kind of guy (Buck 110, Old Timer slip joints), but I was very impressed with the 710.
Got mine online (forget where) for $105.00.
After some reprofiling this knife cuts you would not believe.

If you like liner locks, and are willing to spend $116 (, then you need go NO further than the Al Mar SERE 2000. Do a search on this forum for this knife and you will see how highly regarded it is.
well, id say the 154CM EDC because that is an excellent knife, but the thing is it is just under 3 inches, and may not be enough for you. though it does cut like a larger blade, cos of the recurve.

go for an axis lock, i have a benchmade 940, excellent knife, 3.6 ionch blade from what i remember. axis lock is very good, though you may have to end up buying replacement springs if you are unlucky enough to get weaker springs, or allow them to rust. of the axis lock series, go for the 710 (large blade) or maybe the clip point osborn, its sort of a new release. you cant go wrong with either of them.

ill also point out that not many springs break in the axis lock range, though i was unlucky enough to have it happen to me. all the recommend knives dont use a liner lock, and are very reliable. also, all under 150

As Komondor suggested, the Sere 2000 should suit your needs (I've got one coming :D ). Also, for a little more coin, you might check out the MT LCC (would LIKE to have one coming my way :( ). BTW, if you liked the Buck HTA, I think SMKW still has some of the small ones for $16, and the larger ones for $20. I picked up a couple of the HTA II's a while back: attractive, inexpensive carries.
Funny thing is, I just realized that my HTA wasn't even close to 3 inches. Boy did I have that puppy sharp though.

Thanks for all the recommendations. Anyone know where I can find the 154CM EDC online? has the 540 for 49 bucks, but not the 154.
Spyderco Wegner Jr. comes to mind for what you described.
CRKT's M-16 series based on Kit Carson's design are outstanding. What's even outstandinger is the price:quality ratio.
I have a large model, but they make 'em in a few sizes.
The thing I like the most is the fact that I can put a razor's edge on them.
I have hundreds of knives, and can't sharpen 95% of 'em to save my life.
I use what everyone seems to say is the best and most idiotproof sharpening system, Spyderco's Tri-Angle and even that doesn't help with some knives.
The CRKT M-16 is different though.
I managed to get it factory sharp, repeatedly and in less than 15 minutes.
Seriously, this is the one I'd hit people over the head to buy!
I should say that while I have Moderator status here, and have like 2300 posts and been a member for almost 2.5 years, I am by NO MEANS an expert in knives. Most everyone here knows more than I do, but I'm just saying what worked for me. And it really DOES work!

Hope that helps.
Even if it doesn't, please send me money.
Thank you.
Here's my "standard answer": REKAT...Either a Carnivour, or the smaller Carnivour Cub. They are very strong folders.
Just get a Sebenza and get it over. You'll eventually end up there.
It's cheaper to go there directly, then you'll at least be able to use the ruler that is the standard reference for production knives.
Buy a Large used and use it.
Something about a Sebenza, I don't feel at all reluctant to put it to task.
The BM 710 is a really good knife IMO. I just got my second one yesterday. The handles are really comfortable and the blade cuts pretty good. I think it is one of the best knives in the $100-$120 range.
All above suggestions are good ones.

The SERE 2000 is one tough folder. A bit on the heavy side, but tough as nails. The VG-10 steel takes a great edge and holds it well. Vg-10 is one of my favorite blade steels.

The 710 is a modern classic. Take a look at Joe Talmadges article on how to make the axis perform. Joe claims a 700% improvement in cutting efficiency. :eek: I sharpened mine per his instructions and have to say that I believe him.

The EDC is a great knife. One of the best in its price range. It can be had in 154CM, D2, and Talonite. It can also be had in 420HC but I would get one of the others. The only thing I would change about the EDC is to make it a tad bigger. That is just personal preferance though.

If you like partially serrated blade Smoky Mountain Knifeworks has the large Wegner for $59! That is below wholesale and a great price on a helluva knife.
59 bucks for a WEGNER!!!! Holy Crap. I'm There!!! Oh, and as far as knives go, how about an Emerson Mini CQC7A. It's a great work horse and wouldn't do bad for self defense.
Originally posted by Jazzman
59 bucks for a WEGNER!!!! Holy Crap. I'm There!!!

I would be also if they were plainedge. They want $130 for those. :(