Refinishing Knife Blade Help

Jul 24, 2002
Greetings Folks,

I have read on here at one point or another, you can refinish a blade with a dremel and some Flitz. This would be a mirror finish I imagine. Has anyone ever done this before?? If so PLEASE give me a heads up on what I will need and how to do it. I just ordered some Flitz from New Graham and I will go buy a dremel and attachments I will need to do this. So if someone can tell me exactly how to do this, and what attachment I need, I would be grateful. Pictures of your past projects would be great too. Thanks
In case your wondering, the blade I am planning on working on is a Socom all scratched up. It used to have a black coated blade and a previous owner removed it. So my goal is to remove all the scrathes. A satin finish would actually be prefered. Should I just go by hand with sand paper?? I figured a dremel with proper attention paid to heat would be my best route. Thanks
Personally, I would do the sandpaper in progressively finer grits, until the scratches are no longer visible. Then try the Flitz. Starting out with polishing compound would be like removing the grind lines on an Emerson with the white Sharpmaker rods.

Try starting with 400 grit paper and working your way up to like 1500+ and then polish with the dremel and mirror polish rouge if you want mirror. If you want satin, just sand up to 600 all in one direction with a firm backing so you don't round out the grind lines. I would used a piece of wood or micarta, though some people have reported that an eraser or paint stir stick works too. Practice makes perfect. All in one direction, careful around the tips, don't round off the tip of your knife. Work slow.
Forget the Dremel and start hand sanding starting with 180 or 240 grit sandpaper and work upwards until you are satisfied with the finish. Shaped sanding blocks made from wood are a great help but one of those sanding sponges also does the job nicely.