Refurbishing: preference / collector value?

Sep 1, 2002
What is worth more- A knife that is slightly used and shows it, with original finish/coating. Or a to have that same knife sent in to be refurbished and a factory edge put on it?

The second would be in better overall condition, but the first is 'original'..:confused:
At times that can be a difficult question.

The option of leaving it original will always command a high price because as you's "original". Unlike other knives though, used Busses seem to command a very high percentage of what would have been the "mint condition" price.

Now on the other hand taking a knife like...oh let's say a 5/16" BB SH and sending it in for a double cut finish and snake skin nukarta scales would create a truly "one of a kind" piece. In that scenario you now have something extremely rare which could down the road command a higher price than if it was original and in mint condition.

For me it would really depend on the knife and how many I knew existed from other collectors.
Pristine brings a huge premium.

Excellent Original would be next

Factory redo then old used and beat up
Originally posted by 1whobuys
Pristine brings a huge premium.

Excellent Original would be next

Factory redo then old used and beat up

Hmm, Ok, Ill tell ya what I'm gettin at here so maybe someone can help me in my descision..

Im getting a straight handle slotted bolt SH II in 5/16" (thanks Eric!) that has been used. The edge is in good shape and there is no damage to the knife. However the coating does show some wear and there are some scratches on it.

Ive been really wanting one of these 5/16" monsters in new condition so I would like to send it in for a double-cut bead blast and sharpening. I just dont want to do anything that will detract from the value.

Not to mention I love the double-cut finish :D :cool:
I've seen that knife...It is INFI BTW....You will be fine either way on it.

I would use the snot out of it, wear the coating off, then send it in for the BB.

You might want to check with Jerry 1st on the BB...
I think he's backed up about a year or so....:D
i believe that if it is a factory redo there is no harm done to the value. for example, if you were to send in a AK and have it done in a satin or bead finish it would be worth the same or even more.
same thing with a BBSH or a UF.
i sent in a aftershock bolo cause i thought it had bad grinds, now it is the best one out there. take a look at contender's bolo... pretty awesome!
there are some examples where the old logo may be destroyed, in that case i would say no if it couldn't be replaced.
if i were to refinish a colt peacemaker i would send it to colt, not to mr. butterfingers. colt would do it right and document the process.
you can't go wrong either way, like 1whoporks said, "beat it up while you're giving it some thought":cool: :D :D
The whole "use the snot out of it" part sounds like a good time anyway! :p