Reg Ellery knife

Feb 1, 2000
Hey guys check out this sweet knife Reg Ellery down in Australia made!
I just had to show it off for him. Hopefully he will comment on it for us:



i got to handle one of Reg's blades the other day... it was similiar to this one...
it was really nifty.. i couldnt stop playing with it.

(and he sure knows how to knock out that damascus too)

nice blade S.

Guy thank you for posting this knife for me.
I would also like to thank the forum for the inspiration. I had slipped into only doing simple tourist letter openers untill I started comming to the forum and getting encoraged again. Dave Larsen played a big part in getting me going again. Bruce Evans I'm glad you like the file work it is the result of looking at your tutorial.
I tried to send you a email last night but I must have zigged when I should have Zagged it came back today undelivered. I can't claim credit for the design a customer sent it to me.
Deion I have re worked that billet from my last visit. It is now 162 layers.

This billet was drilled with a series of random holes on both sides then rolled flat. The handle is a piece of native gum tree burl. The burl colour is a bit lighterthan shown, my camera works fine but I have not worked out how to work it yet.
Thanks again everybody.
Thanks Reg, I like the pattern that developed on the damascus. I had wondered what kind of burl that was also. It is gorgeous stuff! I think the sea turtle makers mark is cool too. I grew up snapper fishing in the Gulf of Mexico and we were always fascinated by the sea turtles when we came across them.
thanks for the comments. You are one of the first people that did not think it was a penguin. It is a sea turtle. The burl I'm not sure which of the gums it is it may be white gum or jarrah I would suspect white gum or river gum.

Some other stats I forgot was cuting edge 75mm (about 3 inch) overall length 175m about 7 to 7.5 inch. the pins are 5 mm.

The pattern was actualt suposed to have a bulls eye effect but i did
not get enough layers or deep enough patern. I ground most of the pattern away. As for the litle dots they were not evident on the surface before etching as you get when over heating the surface on heat treat they came from within. I used a coper sulphate etch solution and part way though I sprinkled a bit more in the top of the jar. I'm not sure if that is how it cam about or some kind of carbon migration in the forging.

bet I can't do it again.
Guy that's great! How'd you get a knife out of Reg, I've been trying to get a knife out of that character for a year and a half! :D

Reg, that is great and it looks like it's just begging to sit in your hand and work. And living in Australia you get to use a lot of neat wood we'd never hear of otherwise. Great work! I sure enjoy seeing your knives!

Dave, I wish that were my knife.:D All I have are the pictures he sent. I'm sure you're still first on his list!