Rehandleing a Trail Master.

May 18, 1999

I have a CS TM and I have been considering rehandleing it. I could pretty it up as I have some nice elk and deer horns and also some micarta. I really would like to make it better than it is and a little bit larger in the dia.? as I have a fairly large hand.
I have no idea what is under the kraton.

What would y'all suggest? I would like to keep it on the darker side as the blade is blued.

What would be the best way to secure a new handle?
I could probably drill it as I have a source for a few sizes of carbide drills.

Would screws be the best and if so what kind and size?

The hande is the only thing I haven't been wholly satisfied with. The blade has performed very well in all other aspects.

I know y'all will have some excellent ideas.



Hello Yvsa!

Glad to see that you're starting to become active as well in the forum.

Well, I can't really say what to do when it comes to rehandling a Trailmaster. I bet a lot of people over at the Custom Knife forum would be in a better position to help you out though.

Hope this helps!

Take care,

Yvsa, when you say you are not satisfied with the handle is it with the ergomonics (comfort/stability) or the durability?


I believe that the CS TM has a hidden tang, roughly 3/4" x 5/8" x 4" with a single 3/8" diameter hole near the end.

I also read (I think in the Special Projects catalog) that the Sambar Stag handled TMs have had their tangs shortened.

To add pins in the tang, you might need to anneal the tang, or have some serious metalworking equipment.

Good luck in your project!


Thanks Dan.I will post this over there also. I guess it would be customizing it. I never thought of it like that.

Cliff. It is both. It doesn't fit my hand well,never has. I would like it better if it was a more rounded and larger like the Kuhkuri.
It has held up fairly well although there is a tear 1/2" long on the top
that is deep.There are also a few places where the kraton has ripped or torn off in very small pieces.
I have also worn blisters on my hand when doing a lot of work with it.

It also has a terrible "feel" to it,something like sticky blood. It doesn't matter when there is blood on it,but it feels like that all the time.This is also the same with my SRK,but the SRK is more comfortable.
I have a large Twistmaster that "feels" good since I sanded the sharp tops off the checkering.

Thanks Mike. I do have access to a large machine shop and I have a few tools here at home so that part isn't a problem.

I haven't been to a good show in a long time and don't know all the new super materials that are
since I have been reading about all the new super materials on here I thought it about time to do it.
The TM is a good blade,just has a lousy handle.

