Remember that African bank scam?

Aug 18, 2000
You know, the one where somebody gets a letter about gold bars if only he'll send bribe money? Some time ago somebody posted a side-splitting URL where the intended victim actually had the con running all over Sierra Leone (I think) to hotels, bars, the airport. I've tried my amateur searching of the HI forum and others but came up empty handed. Anybody know what that URL is?

I don't recall right off hand, that particular scam nor the URL. I am still getting messages with the same type of scam concerning cash in banks all over the place. I am scared to even open some of the attachments that come with some of them. I just trash them and forget it.:)
Never open atch from people you don't know, and many times from people you DO know. Sometimes they can unknowingly pass on, if they haven't checked it out.

I keep it simple. I delete MOST EMAILS with atch. If it is important enough, there is a way to copy text in an atch and send it, sometimes.

AOL has a procedure to forward all trash mail, except to forward it you have to open. I just automatically delete the ones with atch and forward the rest to TOSReports . It has sigificantly reduced the amount of porno emails I get. Gets a little old, going thru the process, but it does help.
Don't send your money to bank scams. Send it to me. At least I'll tell you how I squander it. :D
I'm with Dale on this one. I delete everything I'm not sure of -- sometimes I probably delete valid mail but I've never downloaded a virus as far as I know.

The net has more scams going than Las Vegas.
If I remember correctly, the scam originated in Nigeria, which may still hold the title for most prolific con-artist nation. However, there is no end to the imagination of fraud and theft professionals, so Nigeria is certainly NOT alone as a potential source of thieves.

I'll wander the web a bit, and see if I can find a link for you.

and Urban Legends: (under Nigerian Gold Fraud)

Trust everyone, and cut the deck.
I got a scam letter from The Congo the other day. I responded to it with various insults and profanities that need not be repeated here.
You were referring to a JOKE that someone played on the con-artist?

Sorry, have no information on that.