Removing rear bolster pin

Dec 27, 2006
Need some help/directions on removing the rear bolster pin from a hubertus lever action knife. I've ground down the pin flush with the bolster and I've been tapping at it with a small screw driver (smaller than the diameter of the pin, but it still won't come out? Do these pins only come out one way and I need to grind down the other side?

No, either way. You need a good pin punch and a very small hammer. Place the knife on vise jaws with jaws slightly open under the pin. Use light, sharp taps.
You might also remove the other head, and punch from that direction. If the pin moves, file the raised portion flush and punch it back the other direction. The heads can expand into the bolsters.
I was able to get it started enough to grab the pin from the other side with some vice grips, with a little oil it came out fine.

After getting the pin out it took a little manipulating of the blade to get the spring to move around so I could get to it to bend it back in shape, there was another pin holding it in, but I was able to swivel it out of the knife so it could be worked on.

Unfortunately my unsteady hand with the dremmel tool mared the rear bolster on one side, but I think I can take it out with a polishing wheel and a light abrasive. My pin peening doesn't match the rest of the knife, but it will hold it in, and you'd have to really know what your looking for any way.

After all said and done it's back together and working perfectly, however there is a little blade play now. Will a few taps on the other bolster pin tighten this up? Or maybe I just didn't notice it before. Either way, thanks for the help Bill, look forward to buying one of your tatical leverlettos soon.

you can tighten the blade play up by tapping on the front bolsters BUT first take a razor blade and cut a slot into it, and slide it inbetween the blade tang and the bolster so that the pivot pin is surrounded on three sides by the blade (where you cut the slot in it), THEN tap on the pin, this prevents you from over peening the pin and causing the pivot to be too tight and not snap open or closed. simply pull the blade out with a pair of pliers when finished.
Don't tap on the front bolsters-tap on the pivot pin! After you buff the rear bolster your peening should look better.