Replacement Spacer for BM AFCK

Feb 3, 2001
I made a set of spacers for my BM AFCK, the original one broke so many times in so many places I couldn't glue it anymore so I made my own out of .25" aluminum round stock.

Next I'm gonna make em' outta SS and tap em so I can screw the scales in from both sides.:D
I have a BM AFCK that the spacer broke in as well. The screws in mine were tapped into the titanium liners. I also made a replacement spacer out of lexan. When I went to reinstall eveything the screws would not tighten(stripped)!!! So I sent the knife to Benchmade and they put on a brand new handle that had threaded inserts for the screws to go into. Very good customer service and all it cost me was shipping to them. Maybe you could give that a try?:)
Wow, that's the first positive thing I've heard about their CS in a while, I guess I shouldn't be so fast to condemn them till I try them.
Concerning Benchmade's customer service I have nothing but good comments. I have a BM Leopard that I sent in for repairs. It seemed I just about wore out the liner lock. Now at the time I sent in the knife it had been discontinued for a couple of years. I talked to Angie on the phine to see about getting the liner replaced. She confirmed that they still had some parts around and to send it in for them to look at it. Well I received my knife back approximatly a week later with the new liner and resharpened! I had rounded the tip learning how to us a Spyderco Sharpmaker. I don't like pocket clips, so i remove them from all my knives, well they put a new clip on it just in case I had lost the original. I am very pleased with Benchmade's customer service! :)