reply to Raj

Sep 24, 2001
I'll tell ya Raj, I went back to Ron's table about six times, even sent my wife over to talk to him, but she couldn't distract him enough to get that stag hunter away from him. I even told him that I'd save him the cost of the shipping charges to your place! That's a great looking knife you bought, so much so that I asked him to build another. So, sometime in late summer...
Greg,you will be happy with a Ron Newton knife.Ask him for one with 52100 steel.He does a great blade in that steel and his fit and finish are hard to beat.He has great stag as you well know.That Siska is a great knife and I have to take Win to task for not showing me that knife.It was nice meetng you and Win Heger at the show along with others like Lifter and Kevin and TonyCCW.