Request Review: Victorinox SwissChamp

Feb 18, 1999
Is it reasonably comfortable to use despite its thickness, and for a SAK this size?

Thanks for any replies.
I know some friends with those SAKS, they are so wide you have to grip them differently than most knives people are familiar with, but the handle is so big stuffed full of tools that it is pretty nice to grab on to. In short, the big handle is nice, I think.
Well the Victorinox Swiss Champ is the only SAK that i have, i believe the only one i need. I have used it many times, the screwdrivers, scissors, pliers, saw, bottle opener, can opener, knife (of course), and there wasn't a time where the handle thickness gave me any problems. The only thing that might concern you is the weight.
IMHO, it is so big and heavy, you might as well get a good multi-tool instead.

Come to think of it though, it does have that saw! Man I love that saw! I have yet to see a saw that cuts more aggressively than the SAK saws.


Louis Buccellato
Knives, Weapons and equipment. Best prices anywhere.

"only the paranoid will survive"

[This message has been edited by TheMartialWay (edited 11-08-2000).]
I love mine. I've got a Leatherman PST, a Leatherman Supertool, and countless other multi-tools. A weakness for the classics, maybe, but my Champ has served me well. All these tools have their place and function in my home, but the Champ goes everywhere. Just my .005 (half pence). Prof.
This is a great knife. I have had mine for about six years. They are nice to use and have the advantage that nobody freaks out when you pull one out of your pocket to use.

Try saying that about an Emerson Commander or Microtech CTII!!!


Thanks for all the replies, everyone.

I also have several multi-tools, such as Leatherman PST II, Supertool, and the Wave...also Victorinox Swisstool. I like 'em all, but I've examined a SwissChamp and it looks like it has just about everything I'd need if I could only carry one tool. One thing a multi-tool has over it is a stronger set of pliers, but that's why I usually have my Wave on me recently.

I see a tradeoff between a thick SAK like SwissChamp and a multi-pliers tool. The pliers tool can handle slightly heavier-duty chores, while the Champ has perhaps the higher versatility for medium to light and fine jobs. Also, all the Champ's tools would be equally easy to access.
The Swiss Champ is an awesome knife, it was my first knife too! It can be a little unwiedly at times, but it is packed with functions and IMHO is a great knife.
For those of you who have a SwissChamp, how do you carry it? In your pocket or a belt pouch?


"May I have 10,000 marbles, please?"
- Flounder
- The movie "Animal House"
The larger SAKs, Swisschamp, Craftsman,etc., are more versatile than the multi-tools,IMO. Both are heavy for pocket carry. But the SAKs are more compact. Like any multi use item, it's a compromise at best. Decide which has the most going for YOU, then buy both
. With a SAK and multi-tool, you'll be covered.


I do. I have the Victorinox Craftsman and the Leatherman PST. Craftsman in pocket, PST on belt. I use both for different tasks. I also carry both, almost every day, except when my wife asks me to reduce my geek factor for a social function. I usually comply because she doesn't ask often. Then I take the PST but leave it in the car.


"May I have 10,000 marbles, please?"
- Flounder
- The movie "Animal House"
I picked up a SwissChamp for fairly inexpensive at a large hardware store last week. I also got a very inexpensive Victorinox belt sheath to go with it. The sheath is black and has the Swiss cross on looks too small to hold the SwissChamp but is actually perfect. I'm currently wearing it on my belt, and carry my Leatherman in my fanny pack.