I'm at 1024x768 too, but I feel very strongly every website should be readable with plain vga for now -- there are still a lot of vga laptops in use (and some vga crts, too, even mono vga crts). I suggest looking at it in different modes and trying to make sure it works in all of them -- you might want to post pictures that people at 640x480 will have to scroll around in, but don't force them to scroll to read text. There's no need for that; you can make a page look good on good monitors and still be readable at 640x480. There are still some greyscale screens in use, too, especially on laptops, so look at it in greyscale mode and make sure the text doesn't disappear into the background. You don't have to sacrifice anything to make your site compatible with older computers; it just takes a little extra time to make sure it's accessible to everyone. Lynx compatibility is very cool, too; you might be surprised how many of the real geeks prefer to use Lynx because it's so fast.
-Cougar Allen :{)