Review request: REKAT Pikuni

Would like to hear from some people who have them.

Dennis Bible



Gold Member
Nov 23, 1999
The G10 has a nice grippy surface. The "enhanced" D2 seems to work pretty good. I don't personally like the shape of the knife much, myself, though. That's hard for me to say, sorta, since everything else that I've handled (or bought) that was designed by Rob Simonich fit my hand wonderfully, and were perfect. The REKAT Pikuni just doesn't do it for me, though. It is a 3-finger handle, with sort-of a "bird's head" curve at the back. Trouble is, that is the worst place, because it totally prevents me from tucking my little finger in where I want it. So, I've started grinding that area away, until I get it the shape I want it.

As for the other 3 fingers and the thumb, everything is placed perfectly. The design of the blade itself is one of the best I've seen, IMO.

Is it obvious that I run hot and cold on this knife? Did I already say that it is the only one by Rob that I have picked up that DIDN'T work perfectly for me? It is a 3 finger knife, and I have decided based on it that I don't like 3 finger knives. If you do, then I would highly recommend it. If you don't like 3 finger knives, then steer away.

I've seen a look in dogs' eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts. -- John Steinbeck
Dog does not eat dog. - Juvenal


[This message has been edited by rockspyder (edited 02-08-2001).]
I was more fortunate than RockSpyder.

I also have one of the originals and had none of the QC problems that others experienced.

If you are comfortable with a three finger knife I believe that you will find the Pikuni to be a very nice one.

AKTI Member No. A000370
Got my Pikuni from 1SKS today. I had been holding off on getting one due to threads about poor quality control. After a long conversation with Mike Sastre of River City Sheaths I got one. Mike told me I wouldn't regret it and he was right. My only regret is that I didn't get one sooner. The grind lines are perfect. The knife feels great in the hands. I love the design and fit & finish are excellent. The sheath is incredible as well, of course it is a River City sheath so that should go without saying
. I have a feeling this knife will be a constant companion for quite awhile. Thanks Rob Simonich for another great design and thanks REKAT for producing it.

Dennis Bible

I'm glad my rambling didn't dissuade you, as it turns out. Sounds like you got a nice one, and obviously don't have a problem with "3-finger" knives.
Congrats on a good purchase, Dennis.

I've seen a look in dogs' eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts. -- John Steinbeck
Dog does not eat dog. - Juvenal

Glad you like the Pikuni Dennis, you know very few got past the quality comtrol, and have only heard a couple complaints on them first few. Bad thing is we will never hear the end of the bad few!

REKAT is doing a great job on them, and the Sastre sheaths are killer nice!
If I had my druthers I could carry a bowie knife everyewhere I went, but as it is I see a small fixed blade a viable alternative (or addition) to a folder for urban carry. As far as this genre is concerned I find the Pikuni very comfortable. I am really excited about seeing how the enhanced D-2 will perform. I sure would like to have a Pikuni in talonite.

Dennis Bible

Dennis, get a hold of Les Robertson, he had a few left in Talonite a few days ago I think...............and hey, I am a big fan of small fixed blades, the lock never gives you any problems!
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Rob Simonich:
Glad you like the Pikuni Dennis, you know very few got past the quality control, and have only heard a couple complaints on them first few. Bad thing is we will never hear the end of the bad few! </font>

Good point Rob. I should have just left that first paragraph out, since it really isn't relevant anymore. In fact, I'm going back and getting rid of it now.

I've seen a look in dogs' eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts. -- John Steinbeck
Dog does not eat dog. - Juvenal

No need to delete anything Iktomi! That is just part of the mistake of letting a few slip through the cracks and never feel bad for expressing your views!

[This message has been edited by Rob Simonich (edited 02-08-2001).]
No worries.

I've seen a look in dogs' eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts. -- John Steinbeck
Dog does not eat dog. - Juvenal

I got one of the carbon fiber REKAT Pikuni's, and I like it. The profile and overall fit and finish of the knife are good, and I am a recent fervent convert to 3" fixed blades. They make excellent replacements for folding pocket knives. The River City sheath is really excellent. There is a fair number of things I don't like about the knife though. Two of them are the thumb ramp and the bird's beak pommel. They make the knife comfortable in only one grip, and in every other one, they poke into your hand, and are generally unpleasant. I would have liked the knife better with a smoother, more Cetan-like profile. The other thing I don't like is that it came with a very thickly ground cutting edge. For a 3" neck utility knife, it came with an edge more suitable for a 7" combat knife. A thick edge and a three finger handle don't match.

But I still like the knife, and I carry it now and then because it looks so interesting. I vastly prefer to use my Darrel Ralph Arc Lite though.
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Steve Harvey:
The other thing I don't like is that it came with a very thickly ground cutting edge.</font>

Hmmmm... that's kinda odd. I wouldn't say that mine was "thickly ground". In fact, IMO, it was ground a lot like the edge of my Camillus Talon. Broad edge bevel, very sharp, and cuts like a champ. 'Course, I suppose you could say that the Talon's edge more befits a large combat knife, but I really don't know about that. I'm not that much into large combat knives.

The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog. - Ambrose Bierce
Most dog owners are at length able to teach themselves to obey their dog. - Robert Morley

Hey Rob, if you're reading this, are you still at the "" email address? I've tried contacting you a couple of times at that address, with apparently no luck. Of course, you could just be busy. In that case, no problem.

The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog. - Ambrose Bierce
Most dog owners are at length able to teach themselves to obey their dog. - Robert Morley

Can anyone tell me what the blade thickness and approximate weight are? I can't seem to find this information in the specs. Thanks.
I dont have a clue on the weight, but blade thickness is .150, and every one I have tested Rockwells at 59 Rc. Very consistent heat treat on these knives. The handle has a oval cutout to reduce weight.