Geez, the traffic that builds on this site when you don't visit for two days.
Was going to just e-mail you privately but couldn't find an address. RE Swiss Army Brands: Acc to the LA Times article (1/23/00), SA Brands does indeed manufacture SAKs in Connecticut; in fact, they were selling SAK knock-offs before their deal w/the Swiss Def Ministry and Vnox. The Def Ministry agreed to the arrangement, ironically, precisely to curtail other knock-offs. Since SA Brands is much bigger than Vnox and Wenger combined, and is in the US (the largest SAK mrkt), the idea is that SAB has the $ and resources to successfully sue or otherwise discourage any other co. from using the term, "Swiss Army," except SAB, Vnox, and Wenger. Vnox licenses their designs to SAB, which is why the SAB line now looks exactly like the Vnox models.
Whew, that was too long -- apologies!